1. The Fall of Skul

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Alex POV:

"One small step for mankind, one giant leap for Tom Tupper"

"Excuse me just Tom Tupper" I scoff.

"And Alexander Cooper"

"Thank you."

Tom and I met around five years ago he had caught me hacking into my school report so I could change my marks on the classes I was failing, anyway I found out he had come in to the IT room to do the same thing. Since then we had been best friends and we do all the things any friends would do. Play computer games together, hack into the teacher's lesson plans and change the pictures to something funny, you know all that kind of stuff.

So if you are confused about what Tom and I are doing now we are hacking into the NASA mainframe and reprogramming the Mars Rover so it can spell out our names then we just have to get rid of any trace that could lead back to Tom's house.

"Tom? There's some people here to see you, pumpkin!" Julie (Tom's mum) shouts up the stairs.

"Were busy, mum!" Haha the way he says that sounds like were doing something illegal. Well we are, but I mean the other thing... I need to stop talking to myself in my head. Well now I just made that weird. Suddenly the door is kicked open and these man come in.

"Move away from the computer!"

"Hands above your head!" Tom and I turn on our chair and we get on the floor with our hands above out head. The men had guns and the pointed them at us. Now that is uncalled for we weren't doing anything bad. I swear if I got to jail because of Toms idea. Two of the men come forward and put our hands behind our back and put on handcuffs.

"Are you and your new friends coming down for tea darling?"

"Alex and I are a bit tied up at the moment, Mum" If we was not in the situation we are in right now I would laugh at how inappropriate that sounded. We were lead outside the house and then we were blindfolded and then to what I guess is van. We were sat down in seat and then we were moving to jail I superpose.


"Yes Alex"

"If we get sent to jail. I'm going to kill you"

"Yes I though you would say that" It was quite for a bit.

"You did finish my name right?"

"Yes Alex I finished your name" Tom says as he sighs in despair.



I don't know how long it had been but I felt the engine of the van stop. The doors opened and I was dragged out of my seat and walking to who knows where. Before I know it I was going down, as in I was in a lift. I was pushed forward and sat in a seat with a grunt that hurt.

My blindfold was taken off and I looked around to see Tom and two over people. A boy and girl who I didn't know.

"What's going on? I didn't do anything" The blonde boy insisted.

"That's not what it says here" A voice says. Then a woman steps out of the corner. Wasn't really necessary but ok. The woman stands in front of the boy

"Daniel Morgan. Think you're some kind of action hero? You seem to find it hard to keep your feet on the ground" She moves on to me and Tom.

"Tom Tupper and Alexander Cooper. Sophisticated online activity, Hacking into the NASA Mainframe."

"We were testing out their security software." Tom says interrupting the woman.

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