Special One: Lets go back in time just a little

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*At the Yagi house*

Y/n: *Eating his breakfast*

(I don't know I just had this image for some reason I didn't even take it it's from google)

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(I don't know I just had this image for some reason I didn't even take it it's from google)

Y/n: A few days off school because a bunch of villains attacked us? Lame!

Suddenly a portal opens up and drags Y/n through!

Y/n: Ay what the Hell is that thing....?!

Y/n: What the Crap is going onnnnnn! *Faints from time stuff*

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Y/n: What the Crap is going onnnnnn! *Faints from time stuff*

*The portal spits out Y/n*

*A few minutes later*

Deku: Hey.. um.. are you ok?

Y/n: *Opens his eyes* What.. who...

Deku: *Sighs of relief* Oh your alive I thought you might have died

Y/n: Ugh! My head it hurts

Deku: We're you knocked out?

Y/n: Huh? Where am I?!

Deku: Your in Musutafu, Japan

Y/n: Oh thank yo...

Deku: Wait a minute...! Your all mights son! Y/n was it?!

Y/n: Um.. Yeah...

Deku: Omg! It's a pleasure to meet you! My name is...

Y/n: Yeah, Midoriya I know... Are you ok?

Deku: Yeah, I'm fine I'm just so exited to meet all mights so... Wait a second how did you know my name?

Y/n: What do you mean? I'm in the same class as you at U.A...

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