Four: A Rivalry has arrived!

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*Once everything settled down*

Bakugou: Before this he was just a bug!! He was nothing until now!!*Breathing heavily*

Bakugou (T): Does this mean if we really fought if we didn't hold back at all Deku would beat me with his quirk??!! *Intense crazy breathing*

All might: Cool your jets Young Bakugou! You can always learn something from this!

Allmight: Despite the results the MVP is young Iida!

Iida: Huh?!

Tsuyu: Shouldn't it be one of the hero's instead?

All might: Valid question! Does anyone have a guess!

Momo: Sir I can tell you why. *Explains everything*

 *Explains everything*

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Y/n: Wow.. Just wow...

All might: Well apart from Iida should of relaxed a little.. you nailed it!

Momo: Everyone should start from the basics! It's the only way to become a top hero!

Everyone: *Shocked and surprised*

Y/n: I'll.. Take that to note...

All might: Now then, time to blow this joint. Let's move on to the next match! Think about everything we saw and discus at you tackle this training for yourself!

Everyone: Yes sir!

Y/n: Ahh! So Boring!!

All might (W): Match 2! B will be our hero's and team I will be our villains

Hagakure: Hey! Ojiro!

Ojiro: Huh?

Hagakure: Let's get serious! I'm gonna take of all my cloths and total disappear!

Ojiro: Yeah, cool

Ojiro (T): She's using it to give us a advantage. But it's weird to know a naked girl standing beside me.... what am I supposed to do here?

Hagakure: Uhhh..! Just don't look ok?!

Ojiro: What's the difference?

All might (W): Look alive kids! Show us your the embodiment of evil!.. Or evil! Let's go!

Shoji: *Uses his quirk to locate where there enemy is* Ones on the hall of the north-side of the 4th floor and I think the other one is on the same level somewhere. Both a bare foot. I bet the invitation plans to sneer up on us

Shoto: Of your own safety go outside

Shoji: Huh?

Shoto: I'm sure our opponents wanna fight a defensive battle. But we already won

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