Twenty: A New Power Reveals Itself!

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*Inside the stadium*

Uraraka: Good luck Y/n!

Y/n: Thanks but I don't think I need it

Uraraka: Are you sure? Todoroki is a strong opponent

Y/n: Yeah I'm sure

Uraraka: We'll I'm giving you my luck anyways 😊

Y/n: Thanks Uraraka

With that you and Uraraka fist bump and you walk off to the starting area for the fight but first you end up bumping into Todoroki who seems less that friendly

Y/n: Oh hey Todoroki, good luck with the match btw

Shoto: I don't need your luck

Y/n: What do you mean by that?

Shoto: This isn't a little sparring match, we're gonna decided who's gonna be the number 1 hero in this fight so don't go easy on me

Y/n: Firstly, I will go easy on you or you might die

Shoto: . . .

Y/n: Secondly, I never said I wanted to be the number 1 hero

Shoto: Then why are you here at U.A then?

Y/n: Because I just like saving people and I can't do that properly unless I become a hero and I never cared about being a 'popular' hero

Shoto: Why not?

Y/n: Because then you're just here for the money and the fame, not actually trying to be a hero

Shoto: Then are you saying your dad just wants to be rich and famous?

Y/n: Yes, yes I am

Shoto: . . .

With that Y/n starts walking away but before he leaves he says this:

Y/n: Oh and before I forget

Shoto: What?

Y/n: You better use your fucking fire

Shoto: . . .

With that Y/n walks off to his entrance door and so does Todoroki, and you both wait for the battle to start


Mic: Hello! Ladies and Gentlemen! We are back with another fantastic fight

The crowd roars and screams with passion whiles you and Todoroki enter the fighting arena

Mic: On one side we have the hot and cold hero in training himself and the son of Endevor! Shoto Todoroki!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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