Chapter 14 Clash Of Ground Gods

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Mt. Chimney

Both Paul and Drew yelled and yelled, they release they're most powerful aura's that even the tiny rocks floats. The ground that both of them standing has started to shake.

「I'll kill you right here and now. AURA BLAST!!」

The moment Drew was finish releasing his aura powering up he immediately fired a barrage of an Aura blast. Paul stop and started deflecting it, Paul kick and punched all of it with his body covered with aura the aura blasts that was kicked was sent flying towards different places destroying the surroundings.

「Like i would die so easily. THUNDER PUNCH!」

Paul flew above Drew and swung his fist downward. Drew hold his scythe tightly and use it to block the punched. But even though Drew blocked it, the forced of the punched manage to pushed Drew downwards creating a cracked and big crater on the ground. Paul desperately pushed and put forced to his fist, while Drew desperately blocked it. Drew continues to be pushed deeper and deeper, Drew fired a dark pulse from his mouth towards Paul's face, Paul moved his head to evade it and immediately kick the left side of Drew's torso.

Drew was knocked back a bit, Drew immediately swung his scythe downwards yelling..


A flying vertical slash rushed at Paul in an intent of cutting him. Paul use conjuring again and clenched his axe tightly, Paul swung his axe full forced towards the flying slash at him. Paul.managed to deflect it and stopped the.aura slash.

「Get lost...Aura Wave!!」

Paul clasped his hand and put it in his back and focus all of his aura onto his palms [A/N: Similar to how Goku and other DBZ fighters use kamehameha.]. Paul then shot a big long blast towards Drew, Drew on the other hand created an aura wall to protect himself. The powerful blast hit Drew, a strong wind or shock wave was feel outside the mt.chimney whereas a hole open inside of mt.chimney while Drew was sent outside of it along with the aura wave Paul created.

「What the hell was that!?」

An RFS grunt who was currently fighting outside Mt.chimney said. All members and grunts from G-MENS and RFS feel the shock wave that created by the force of Paul's Aura Wave, they have seen a blue colored beam,blast,wave or whatever.

All of them stop they're fighting for a moment and look above where Drew was seen who was wounded. His aura wall reduced a bit of the damage but he still feel a the attack from Paul. All of his subordinates began to cry the word captain, the look of they're face was like they're motivation to fight has disappear.

A moment later, Paul came out of from inside the mountain and flew straight forward at Drew. Paul go above Drew and kick him downwards. The white haired boy who couldn't stop the kick has crashed on the ground creating a huge crater in it. His subordinates cried again as they saw they're captain losing.

「Aura Blast!」

Paul said coldly as he began to fire a barrage blast of aura towards Drew.

Drew frowned as he don't want to accept defeat, he held his scythe tightly and stand he swung his scythe that was covered by aura with full force that the wind follow it creating a tornado.


The grunts of RFS scan the place where Drew was. While the members of G-MEN yelled thinking that they won.

The densed dust that covered the area where Drew was has slowly disappear. The yelling of G-MENS suddenly stop as it was change by the grunts happy and relieved faces. A shadowy figure was standing inside the finally thin dust. Drew was still alive, he lift his scythe and put it on his shoulder.

"The hurricane act as a shield from my blasts." Paul thought

「There's no way i'd be defeated without fulfilling my goal.」

The injured Drew said. Paul look at him with a face of pity.

「And how do you think you could win in such a state.」

Paul continue staring at Drew's injured state and give him a pity look. His face was literally saying i lost my interest in fighting you. Seeing this face from Paul the prideful Drew was enraged, why not they're totally on the same page since both of them an injured and yet he was looking down at him now.

Paul sighed as signal that he will end the fight with next move. He dived at Drew directly, he focus his aura only in his fist. He ready his fist, he got close and close towards his designated target. And finally Drew was already in his reach, he started to swing his aura covered fist towards the defenseless Drew.

「Aura Fist!!」

As the fist got closer and closer at him. Drew immediately jump back at the last second which resulted to Paul hitting the ground creating another crater. He hold his sythe tightly, he began to spin around repeating the tecnique he used earlier. A tornado was summon the powerful wind has managed to give Paul many wounds as he desperately get out of the ranged of Drew's tecnique.

「Tsc! You still has the strenght to fight huh, how annoying!?!」

Paul give an irritated face as if Dawn or Ash was there annoying him. He clenched his fist and punch the ground, with the assistance of magnitude move tge ground shake, giving anyone in the area except him move like they're dancing. Many boulders from the mountain collapsed and fall on the spectators of the battle. Paul used the opportunity while Drew was being shaken by the ground. He attack with his Aura fist and give Drew a storm of punches.

Drew has finally accepted that he could'nt has throw a pokeball calling an Abra and teleported.

「Heh! His smarter than he loo....」

Paul said but could'nt finish as he fall on the ground unconscious probably because of the wound he received. The G-Mens ran to him for aid. While the RFS grunts ran away after witnessing their captain escaping. Many has escape by calling a pokemon to teleport them, many escape by flying, while there are unlucky who got caught.

Terra Cave the same time Paul and Drew started their duel.

Seems like your late!」

May was holding a master ball on her right hand and the red orb on her left hand which shows that she successfully finish her mission.

Holding his forehead, just by doing this already shows that Drake was frustrated that he could'nt protect Groudon. Who would ever thought a veteran like him would fail in his duty and be defeated by a young girl.

「I guess i'll take that back.」

Drake command his Salamence to attack but the girl didn't even flinched.

「Sorry, no can do.」

She said while throwing two pokeballs in the sky and then a Whismur came out who immediately create a smokescreen allowing May to escape.

【To be continued...】

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