Chapter 12 Festival Is Fun

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March 13, 2020, 6:00 PM

Alola Region

Professor Kukui's House.

「Satoshi! Hurry up the two professors are waiting.」

Rotom dex said forcing Satoshi to hurry up. While Satoshi is giving his pokemon some food.

「Yeah, yeah.

Okay guys! I leave you here for now.」

The group of pokemon yelled as they're answer. This group are Dusk Lycanroc, Torracat, Charizard,Infernape, Sceptile, Rowlet, Melmetal.

{Author's note: At chapter 2 i've said Greninja was with him, and that is actually a mistake of mine since is still with Zygarde.}

Satoshi then come out from the house along with Rotom and Pikachu. Outside professor Kukui and Burnett and a Dylan who's busy killing Hoopa with questions.

「Ash-kan what's with this guy! His so irritating, Hoopa hates him!」

Hoopa ran towards Satoshi.

「Hey don't run!」(Dylan speaking)

「Well you're a mythical pokemon so it's normal for him to fill you with questions, and don't call me Ash call me Satoshi.」

「Yes, Sato-kan. But still, Hoopa hates that guy.」

「What are you guys still doing there, let's go already.」(Kukui speaking)

「Oh, right!」

All of them head towards Hau'oli city.

* * *

Hau'oli city where the Melemele festival takes place.

Satoshi and the co. head towards this place.

Meanwhile, this another group is waiting for them.

「The other's are late.」(Launa speaking)

「Where is Kiawei and Mallow anyway?」(Sopphocles speaking)

「Mallow was helping in his father's food stand. And Kiawei is probably with his sister.」(Lillie speaking)

「I see, but Lillie you really look good in that kimono.」

Launa said complimenting Lillie who was wearing a white, snow colored kimino.

「Really! I wonder if he would like it.」


The two looked at Lillie with some curios looks even Vulpix.

「...You looked good in your kimono to Launa.」

Sopphocles said looking at Launa wearing a blue colored kimono with an ocean wave design. Sopphocles is only wearing his normal alolan outfit in anime.

「Thank you!」

Launa answered. At the same time Satoshi also yelled and waving at them.

Like Sopphocles, Satoshi also wears his alolan outfit like what he wears in anime. Professor Kukui as well wears his normal outfit a short and his white coat and obviously shirtless. Dylan who is busy grabbing Hoopa wears his oufit since earlier a blue and black colored jacket a black shorts a blue knee socks and a black shoes the difference from earlier is he doesn't wear his mask since he already give it to Satoshi, and as an exchanges for the mask he wears a white bandana. Professor Burnett on the other hand is wearing a black kimono with some white cloudy design.

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