Chapter 1

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Ezra's POV
I wake to the hiss of a door. I sit on the edge of the hard bed. The Inquisitor approached me at a brisk pace, he grabbed my hair and threw me on the ground. I started to sit up, but he kicked me in the side. "Get up."

"I'm trying."

"You will only speak when spoken to. You will refer to me as master. My final request is to know your name."

I thought for only a moment, "Dev. Dev Morgan."

"Well, Dev allow us to begin training."

I didn't stand up I just sat leaning against the wall. He grabbed my arm to pull me up, and right where it says, in large letters, MISTAKE. I winced under the amount of pain. He looked at me weird and pulled up my sleeve. "Now, why does it say this?" I looked to the ground. "Answer me."

"She- she's dead because of me."

"Who? Oh, you mean the girl back on the supply run."

"How do you know that?"

"I sent the troopers to kill her."

I didn't even think. I used the force to send him into the wall and choke him. He didn't try and escape my grip he just grinned like a madman. I tightened my grip and he coughed. I let him fall to the ground grasping for air. The air around me turned cold. I knew why he was smiling. I sat back down in the corner and hugged my knees to my chest. After he had regained composure, he stood and left.

Later in the evening a trooper arrived with a tray of food. He turned to leave when I kicked the tray across the room, scattering the food.

I woke in the morning to a large yank on my hair, "Get up."

"Oww. Gosh, if you keep doing that my head will look like yours."


"I'm saying that I don't want to be bald."

He brought his hand back and delivered me a large beating. When he was satisfied with what he had done he turned and left. But before he left he mumbled something that was just loud enough for me to hear, "Untrainable little Loth Rat."

"He trained me, didn't he?

"Who, the Jedi?"

"No, the Lasat." The sarcasm rang through my voice. "Yes, the Jedi."

He turned and left. All I knew was that I needed an escape route.

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