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"Olivia, wake up darling," Dad shook my shoulder. I snuggles further into the couch cushions, pulling the blanket closer.

"I guess you'll miss tea," he said, making me pop up.

I quickly ran into the parlor and was tripped by Fred. I landed with a groan and stayed on the floor, clutching my arm's nonexistent injury.

"Oh my god, Liv are you okay? I didn't mean to-" Fred rushed up to me holding out his hand and squatting next to me. I took that chance to elbow him in the groin and smirked.

"Bitch!" Fred whimpered, a higher octave than normal. I got up and walked over to Draco and sat in his lap.


"Cissy, do you have any pads or tampons?" I winced at the cramps. I had always had very heavy periods and intense cramps.

"Of course dear, what do you need?" She asked.

"Anything for heavy please."

She nodded and took a box of tampons and a box of pads out from under her sink and handed them to me.

"Thank you, if you see my dad can you let him know I'll be in bed?" I asked and took the boxes.

"I will, just call an elf for a heating pad if you need," Cissy smiled and parted.

I slowly made my way up the steps, and into Draco and I's room. I placed the boxes under the bathroom sink and did what I needed, and groaned when I saw I bled through.

I walked into the bedroom again and grabbed a pair of older panties, some sweatpants, and Draco's hoodie.

I changed and then laid in bed, in fetal position.


6 months later, April 1.

3rd person

"Happy Birthday!" Everyone jumped up and surprised the twins for their 19th birthday.

The group of kids had gone to a muggle club while the adults hung back and had a meeting.

They were all sat at a booth, laughing and having a good time, and then everyone either went to go get more drinks or go to the dance floor.

Everyone except Olivia, who was currently about to have a panic attack in the corner of the booth. She sipped at her drink, grimacing at the taste. It didn't taste like it normally did, but she thought nothing of it, as they had never been to this club. She did everything in her power to remain calm as she saw those piercing dark brown eyes staring at her. The same ones that twinkled as she screamed and cried underneath his gaze.

Her hand was gripping the table until her knuckles were white, and her breathing seemed to be harder than ever.

"Olivia, come dance with us!" Pansy was pulling her arm and slurring her words, however, Olivia remained frozen, her eyes glued to the tall figure in the opposite corner.

"Olivia?" Pansy whined and pulled on her again.

Olivia saw the figure stand up, and she finally gasped for a breath, "I have to go!"

Olivia's heart was pounding, she could hear it in her ears, drowning out the music. Her vision blurred, and the room felt like it was turning. She felt like she could pass out, and started tearing up. She couldn't find Draco, and she wanted to go home.

"Liv? Are you okay?" Fred asked, his face becoming very concerned.

"What? Oh um, yeah! Totally! I just n-need air," Olivia stuttered and kept glancing at the "man" who haunted her life. His face contorted as she tried to focus her eyes

"Are you sure? Let me take you home," Fred requested and took her hand.

"No! I-I can't ruin your birthday!" Olivia protested.

"We're going home," Fred said, demandingly, seeing that she had only had a few sips of her drink, yet completely inebriated.

Olivia, stumbling while trying to stand up alone, whimpered as he got closer.

"F-Freddie, h-he's he-here," Olivia was quite literally holding herself up on Fred.

He quickly sent a signal to everyone through his watch and picked up Olivia, who was semi-conscious.

"Bu-Bubba, I'm sor-ry," Olivia sobbed as the walked to the bathroom to apparate.

"No need, bub, relax, I'm going to apparate," Fred told her. And apparated them to the manor.

As soon as they landed, Olivia leaned over and puked in the bushes. A few other pops sounded while she puked. And Narcissa walked out the house. The wards had alerted and they were expected until early hours of the morning.

"Did something happen, Fred?" Narcissa asked, Draco was no where to be found.

"Greyback was there. Drugged Olivia, and nobody can find Draco," Fred mumbled the last part.

"Hurry, inside, I'll send people to look for Draco," Narcissa sounded worried.

Olivia's head was lolling as she tried to look at Narcissa, concerning her.

"Fred, can you take her to my room, and put her on the bed. If Lucius is in there at his desk, just tell him I sent you. I'm getting a healer," Narcissa ordered the tall red haired boy, holding his barely conscious sister.

George, Blaise, Remus, Sirius, and Tom all went to look for Draco.

Olivia started mumbling incoherently as Fred made his way to the bedroom. Lucius turned as he opened the door and Fred ignored him, placing his little sister on the bed.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" Lucius scolded.

"Cissy told me to bring Liv in here, most of the boys are out looking for Draco, and she's drugged. Greyback found us," Fred explained, laying her on the bed.

Lucius froze in confusion, then put the pieces together, "Greyback was the... oh fuck."

Fred nodded and his gaze quickly turned to Olivia, and rolled her on her side as she puked again, which he cleaned with a spell.

The healer arrived, using some medical magic and healed Olivia. She had been given an almost lethal amount of Angel Dust. Olivia woke up a few hours later, hungry and parched.

Draco was found outside the bar, knocked out and bruised, with a bite on his shoulder.

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