Chapter 9

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*On elliott's perspective*
I kissed him, so suddenly, I had my hands on his cheeks as he kept hugging me. He's a little taller than me so I had to stand on tiptoe to get to his lips, Tina had told me to stay away from him, but when I kissed him, he seemed to forget what he had said to me.

*On tina's perspective*
I knew that kiss was wrong, but... I didn't want it to end, oh Elliott, you really know my fever points.
But I can't let this happen, I pushed Elliott and he fell on the floor while looking at me confused

Elliott: what the fuck?!
Tina: i'm so sorry, get out of here right now!
Elliott: why!?
Tina: Are you seriously going to ask why? JUST GET OUT, I SAID!

*On tina's perspective*
I saw his eyes fill with tears, I was a little sad to see him like that, Wow, I know it was intense, what did I just do? I yelled so loud at him, oh my god

Elliott raises his hand and brings it to his face to wipe away his tears, Elliott starts to sob a little.

Elliott: it's ok, I'm leaving

Elliott gets up off the ground ready to go, walks to the door

Tina: no, wait!
Elliott: You have done me enough damage, I think it is better that I do what you say, get away from you. Good luck miss Burner.
Tina: Elliott i'm so sorry! I know I was a little rough, please wait!

*On tina's perspective*
I took elliott by the arm, and pulled him towards me

Elliott: What are you playing Tina? You're trying to break my mind like you did with my heart?
Tina: i told you, i'm so sorry, Please listen to me, I know I acted like a real idiot with you but... I didn't mean to. Elliott, You awakened so many things in me, feelings that I had never felt before, I just don't know how to feel, I don't know what I should do, I don't know how to behave, I'm just crazy... For you.
Tina: Oh... you keep quiet... Sorry, if I scared you
Elliott: I don't know what you want me to say
Tina: I'm just trying to show you how I feel, you don't have to say anything. I understand you.
Elliott: I wish you would have answered me like this when I left the note under your door. Your answer was like a stab, you know what? I have the note in my pocket, what do you think if I remind you what it says?

Elliott takes the paper with the note out of his pocket, he begins to read it

"Elliott, I'm sorry I ignored you today, you know perfectly well that you can't show what you feel for me in front of the other girls, you should start to control yourself, What happened between us was a mistake, it was a matter of a single night, and now, please, leave me alone."

Tina: Elliott... I ...
Elliott: You just called me "a mistake".
Tina: I really don't know what I was thinking at the time, I can only tell you this again, I'm so sorry
Elliott: I didn't seem to be a mistake for you when you were fucking me.
Elliott: You don't have to yell at me, calm down please
Tina:... Elliott, I swear I never thought you were a mistake.
Elliott: If what we did was a mistake, at least I want you to know that it was the best mistake of my life.
Tina: Elliott, all the time that I have spent here with you has served to make me realize... how much I am attracted to you, you seriously think that if I wasn't interested I would have entered your room to take it to another level? You make me do crazy things, and that's what I did when I walked into your room, a crazy thing. I know it wasn't right. But at that moment I only thought about satisfying my desire for you, I never thought that I could hurt you when it was all over. Really, i'm so sorry, I don't know if you... can forgive me.
Elliott: oh... Wow... You don't have to apologize this much, You know... We both did it, it wasn't just you, I think I got carried away too, I behaved a bit obsessive, I shouldn't have insisted this much.

Elliott and Tina look into each other's eyes, then Tina takes Elliott's hands.

Tina: We both made mistakes, but you know it wasn't a mistake? That night we spent together. Elliott, that was unforgettable
Elliott: It's funny you say that
Tina: Why?
Elliott: You tell me all this after I spent hours crying over how you treated me.
Tina: Elliott, I'm trying to apologize
Elliott: and I'm trying to love you Tina!
Elliott: that's what i thought... Don't you think it will be better if I go away and we forget that this happened? It's healthiest for both, You're killing my emotional health
Tina: That was never my intention, as I told you before, I was so stupid that I did not think about the consequences or what could happen next or how it could affect you.
Elliott: Too late to say that.
Tina: Now you're making me feel bad
Elliott: I'm sorry, that's not what I want, I don't want you to feel the way I did. That's why i should go. Bye, see you tomorrow on the set.

*On Elliott's perspective*
I let go of Tina's hands and I walked away from him, I was ready to leave, I was about to open the door

Tina: Elliott!... Wait!
Elliott: Now what?
Tina: Will you let me do something before you go?
Elliott: What Is it?
Tina: Say goodbye to you...
Elliott:... Then do?...

*On Elliott's perspective*
Tina pulled my arm and pulled me to him, again, no please, not again. I need to run away but I don't want to get away from him... I'm just a complete fool.
He took me and put his arms around my waist, I put my hands on his chest.

Tina: i... I just wanna kiss you so bad
Elliott: You're driving me crazy...
Tina: Would you let me kiss you?
Elliott: What makes you think that I don't want to...

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