Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


The Itama couldn't get to finish what he will be asking as the man with blonde hair fell unconscious. He can't waste his time here. Being near to Konoha means he is one step closer to be detected by his brothers. So, he immediately grabs the blond boy and run farther to the said village.

3 days after, Itama is watching the blond boy in his sleep. He keeps on putting the damp towel on the blond's lips and sometimes squeezes it to keep him hydrated. Later that afternoon, the blond began to steer a sign that he is waking up.

Blond: Where am I? (Blond said weakly)

Itama: You're in my makeshift tent.

Upon hearing this, the blond slowly got up on his bed. Seeing this, Itama immediately went to the blond side to help him up. He also got him a glass of water.

Blond: Thanks. My name is Naruto.

Itama: Itama. Nice meeting you?

Naruto: This is not a nice meeting though. But thank you for the help. I'm just really exhausted.

Itama: No worries, it not that I have to do anything else though.

Naruto: Aren't you going back to Konohagakure?

Itama: (Unconsciously bow down a little) I am not a Konoha citizen.

Naruto: (guards up a little) Are you an enemy ninja?

Seeing a tense Naruto made Itama uncomfortable. So, he has no choice but to tell the truth.

Itama: Relax. I am no enemy. I am Itama Senju.

Naruto: Senju? Is it shodai-sama's last name? are you part of senju clan?

Itama: Yes. I am part of Senju-clan but was declared dead. Miraculously, my kekei genkai release worked properly as all of my wounds were healed. By the time I woke up. The Clan war had ended. The two clans peacefully made a new village. I really wanted to go back to them but there is an underlying worry that if I got back from the dead, the jealousy that the Uchiha clan head feels will elevate. Given the circumstances that the people chose my brother as their first Hokage.

Hearing this made Naruto's heartache. This man choses to live in solitude for peace. Very commendable and all he can feel is a strong respect.

Itama: You heard my story. How about yours?

Naruto: I was born as an orphan. (Naruto started with a sad look) Later I knew that I am from Uzumaki clan. A powerful clan who was gifted with large reserves and longevity. Uzumakis were the guardian of tailed beasts the reason why Uzumaki was scattered throughout the map since the tailed beasts needs to be in their natural habitat. But

Itama: I thought all Uzumakis are in Uzushiogakure?

Naruto: Indeed. But they fraction some to guard the tailed beast. (Inner Naruto: Damn thank you Iruka sensei for making me memorize the history before me getting the hat!)

Naruto: Anyways. Since the beasts began rampaging because of their distrust with humans the Uzukage have no choice but to seal them into human being. We call them Jinchuriki. (Naruto continued) I was born with a purpose; it is to tame a beast. I am one of them (upon hearing this Itama's eyes became wide eye)

Itama: I heard that Shodai-nii-sama's wife is a an Uzumaki.

Naruto: If my memory was right, Mito-sama is a Jinchuriki of nine tails. (Then it clicked. There should be only one kyubi in this timeline. To correct it, the kyubi inside him vanished and transferred to Mito-sama)

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