|•33•| Tragedy

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*3rd Person POV*

"What's happening!" Midnight yelled

Aizawa ran over to the teachers, "It's Killua! And... And I think Gon is dead..."

"What do you mean he's dead?" Cementoss questioned

"It was his head...," Aizawa said slowly

The teachers looked at him and each other before speaking. "Aizawa do you know where the rest of your students are?"

Aizawa snapped out of his shock and turned to them, "What? Shouldn't they be with you? Wasn't there an evacuation?"

"Yeah, that's what we did. That's why we're so late, but we came here because your class wasn't with the group!" Midnight said

"What!" Aizawa replied, "What do you mean they were a part of the group?"

"They weren't there in Aizawa, no one from 1-A was there. We checked three times and none of your students were there!" Midnight said

"Dammit!" Aizawa cursed

"Wait guys what's that?" Present Mic yelled as they saw a blue lighting bolt that took shape of a snake coming right at them

"What the-!" Midnight said before barely dodging with the rest of the teachers

The ground was left with a deep dent as smoke rose from it. A dazed and distraught Killua emerged from the smoke. Although his face was dark Killua's eyes were light headlights. His eyes no longer a soft sapphire blue were now a bright electric blue. While his pupils were slits and cat-like. Both Killua's hands were sharpened to the point where you could see his veins pulsing. The bloodlust surrounding Killua was so strong that it looked like murky fog, not to mention how suffocating it was.

"Killua? What are you doing?" Midnight yelled

Killua spoke under his breath, "This is your fault... It's all your fault..."

"Guys, I don't think Killua is ok..." Present Mic said

"He isn't," Aizawa said, "Killua isn't in the right mind right now."

Just then Killua pointed his finger towards Cementoss and blasted lighting his way. Cementoss was quick though and made a concrete wall just for it to be blasted to pieces. "What the hell!" Snipe said as he drew out his guns

Aizawa shouted and grabbed Snipe's gun before he could shoot at Killua, "We can't hurt him! He isn't completely there! It's not his fault he's acting like this!"

"Then what are we supposed to do?" Midnight yelled, "Can't you see he's trying to kill us?"

"We need to try to restrain him! If force is necessary we'll use it!" Aizawa said, "He's still one of our students and our duty is to keep them safe. Clearly, we didn't do that job, and now look what happened to Killua!"

The teachers stood there in silence before Present Mic spoke up, "Aizawa is right. We didn't keep our students safe and now one of them is on a killer rampage."

"Ok, fine. We'll try it ourselves but if nothing else works we have to call authorities," Midnight sighed

"Ok! Come on guys!" Present Mic said

Midnight shouted, "Everyone hold your breath!"

Midnight ripped off her sleeve and pink fog wafted through the area. The fog surrounded Killua and the teachers waited for Killua to fall, but it never came. Killua finally looked up at the group of teachers and stared at them with empty eyes. And like a flash, Killua grabbed Midnight's throat and slammed her into the ground. Snipe quickly reloaded his gun with tranquilizers and shot Killua four times in the chest. Killua looked down at his chest and growled. He pulled them off and threw them back at Snipe with alarming speed. Cementoss made a thick wall trying to stop the tranquilizers from hitting Snipe. Unfortunately, some of the tranquilizers shot through the wall and hit Snipe.

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