|•25•| Let the Plan Commence!

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*3rd Person POV*

"Kurogiri, get rid of them. I can already tell what kind of people they are. A brat, a guy with no manners, a weird clown, and a creepy emo, "Shigaraki said

"Now, now Tomura Shigaraki. They came all this way, the least we can do is hear them out. Give them a chance," Kurogiri replied, "Besides this broker is well respected in the underworld."

"Even if you do or don't like them, I still want my finder's fee. In cash," The broker added, "But I guess I should introduce them before I take my leave. This blond one. She looks like an adorable high schooler, right? She's actually the suspect in many series of deaths where all the victims bleed out."

"I'm Toga Himiko!" The blond girl shouted, "Life is too hard! I just wanna make it easier to live in this stupid world! I wanna be like Stain! I wanna kill Stain! C'mon, handyman! Let me join your League of Villains!"

"Are you kidding me? Is she crazy?" Shigaraki said

The broker pointed to a rather burnt-up man, "And now this one. He hasn't committed any big crimes but he takes Stain's message to heart,"

"Is your group really dedicated to the Hero Killer's mission? If it is I don't know why you would let this little psycho join," the man replied

Toga giggled while Shigaraki grumbled, "Grow up. She might be a psycho but at least she knows how to introduce herself. Now, what's your name?"

"Right now I go by Dabi," Dabi replied

Shigaraki grumbled again as he wasn't satisfied with the answer but turned his attention to a pair in the room, "Now you. Who are you?"

"Oh, these guys? Yeah if you didn't know. They're the ones who have been killing all those criminals and pros. You know the ones where the victims die from needles and playing cards." The broker said, "And that one, the one with long hair. He seems like he has some business with you."

"Why, hello. I'm Hisoka Marrow. And this lovely man is my husband Illumi!" Hisoka smiled wrapping his arm around Illumi

"Business you say? What kind?" Shigaraki quirked standing up

Illumi unwrapped himself from Hisoka's grasp and walked up to Shigaraki. "Where's Killua?" Illumi said in a monotone voice

"Killua? Who the hell is that?" Shigaraki grumbled before shouting, "You mean that bastard that ripped up my Nomu and messed up my shoulder!"

Hisoka chuckled, "My, my, it looked as if your brother left a bad taste in his mouth."

"He's your brother!" Shigaraki yelled in anger and ran towards Illumi, hands extended, "Die!"

Hisoka grinned as he and Illumi extended their weapons. As Shigaraki got close Hisoka threw his cards while Illumi threw his needles. Toga giggled as she also wanted to join and held her knife charging towards one of the three. Yet before any of them could land a hit on each other Kurogiri created portals preventing them from hurting each other. Large crashes could be heard as cards and needles hit the walls.

"Please calm yourself Tomura Shigaraki. If you want to be realized then we must increase our numbers. I advise you to be more accepting," Kurogiri warned

Shigaraki grunted as Kurogiri's portals disappeared. "I'm outta here," Shigaraki said walking out

"Wow! You guys really are the ones who've been killing everyone huh?" Toga giggled looking over at Hisoka and Illumi, "Hey you, clown! Do something funny!"

"Sorry child, I'm a magician, not a clown," Hisoka replied

"Aw!" Toga sighed before squealing, "Wait! Can you do a magic trick!"

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