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"Yes, you," Alex said as he turned her way. "Who was that you were riding with today, Lady Penelope?"

"Mr. Wexler..."

"Mister?! Ha!" He exclaimed. "You have sunk so low, my lady!"

Penelope cleared her throat. "Mr. Wexler is just a friend. We met at a dinner..."

"Ah ho! A friend from a dinner party! How lovely!" He clapped his hands together. Then his face dropped. And he began to march toward her. "You looked awfully friendly..."

"Oh bother! Look at you! You weren't alone either! Dare I say you found your bride?!"

The look on his face told her he would going to say something terrible. "In fact, Lady Jasmine," Penelope rolled her eyes at her name, "is the perfect match. Beautiful. Biddable. All of the things I am looking for in a wife."

"I'm sure Lady Jasmine is all of those things and more. Congratulations!" She said with sarcasm dripping off every word. "Now, if you will excuse me, I'm sure we both have better ways to occupy our time."

As she turned, the duke grabbed her upper arm. "You best not bed him before you know if you carry my child," he seethed.

Penelope spun around in his grip. "Unhand me! I'm not some whore..."

"You surely act like one!"

She was slapping his face before she could recognize her actions. She had slapped it hard enough that he was now facing away from her. He slowly turned his head back to look at her.

"You will be at Kendrick's country house this weekend. I don't suppose Mr. Wexler will be invited. Don't test me," he was gritting his teeth. His anger was bubbling near the surface.

"I will do as I..."

"I'm not of the mood to be dealing with your nonsense right now. You will be there, or your hopes of escaping to America will be dashed before you can even think about leaving."

"You can't threaten me, your Grace!"

He pulled her toward him so that there was no space between their chests. "I can. And I will. You are mine until I say otherwise."

He pushed her off of him, and went for the door. "Bastard," she whispered so he couldn't hear.

Penelope was able to ride with Minerva to her brother's country home just outside London. This was the last place she wanted to be. The very last place.

The party included all of Kendrick's friends to include the families of the current crop of debutants. Penelope's family opted out of the trip since Minerva's parents promised to keep her safe. Alas, they opted not to attend either.

"Freedom!" Minerva giggled as she flopped back in the squabs. "Have you seen my brother's footman? I want to eat him alive."

Minerva always fancied the staff. "Barbaric," Penelope commented. "But I bet a man that works with his hands like that..."

"Exactly! Big, strong hands! Yum!" Minerva laughed at her own desires. "I need a shag."

"Minerva! Watch your language! And yes, you do!" Penelope laughed at her friend.

"Cambridge will be there this weekend you know," Minerva turned serious. "Will you simply ignore him?"

"If I can," Penelope said at she picked at the cuticles on her nails. "He practically insisted I come. The duke is an ass."

"Men," Minerva sighed.

"Exactly," Penelope said and they continued to chat about the new gossip in town.

When they arrived at the estate, the party was in full swing. It seemed a lot more "merry" than the other house parties she had attended in the past. She could only blame that on Kendrick.

Minerva and Penelope looked all over for their host only to find him drunk in his small library. He and Alex sat in leather club chairs with cigars and scotch. Both looked as though they could fall over any second.

"Minnie and Penny!" Kendrick called out as they arrived.

"Min and Pen!" Alex laughed after him. Kendrick joined the laughter as the girls tried to figure out what was so funny.

"So girls, who wants a drink?!" Kendrick asked as he stumbled to the decanter.

"Me!" Alex said with a raised hand.

"You've had enough. You are as drunk as a lord, your grace," Penelope scolded him. This was the second time seeing him like this. He was like a child.

"You're no fun!" He slurred back to her with a wink. The cigar he held between his fingers dropped to the rug and Penelope rushed to pick it up. "Oops!"

Penelope put the cigar out in the nearest ashtray. "Cambridge you really..."

Alex grabbed her wrist and pulled her to his lap. Penelope tried to get back to her feet, but Alex kept his arm wrapped around her.

"This is not appropriate," she whispered through her teeth.

"I think I'm drunk, Nell," he whispered back.

"You most definitely are. Let me go," she continued.

"But Nelly, I miss you," he gave her a pout.

"People are watching, Cambridge. Let me go and then you should retire for the night."

"Help me to my room again, Nell. I may fall to pieces if you don't hold me up," he pleaded.

"Fine. Let me up and I will help you. But I must return immediately or rumors will spread," she stated.

Alex helped her to her feet. Then he stood like a new born calf, wobbling to find his footing. She shook her head at the sight. Lord what did she see in this lush?!

Penelope grabbed his arm to steady him and they began their walk to his suite. He babbled on about how he hated parties and drinking. Clearly he hadn't met himself.

Once to his room, Alex grabbed the empty wash basin and began to vomit. "Really, Alex? Again?"

He was now on the floor with the basin in front of him. Some of his sick had splashed to his finely tailored suit. "I need...to wash up," he panted out.

"I'll fetch a bath. Wait one second," Penelope scooted out in search of a footman. About 20 minutes later a knock came to Alex's chamber where he still sat in his soiled clothing with his head in his hands, "Enter!"

Penelope flew in with several footmen caring the tub and several pails of warm water. She bustled around the room helping them set up. As the footmen were leaving, a small knock came to the door and a blonde head peaked in, "Alex? Are you well, dear?"

The small voice of an angel made Penelope whip around. Lady Jasmine. Perfect.

"I'm fine. Drunk," Alex said with is head still hanging between his hands.

"Oh, I knew you shouldn't have come to this dreadful rout. Kendrick is the worst kind of influence, dear," Jasmine said as he came to his side and placed a perfectly manicured hand on his shoulder.

"It looks like you are in good hands now. I'll leave. Take care," Penelope said politely as she walked toward the door with her head down.

"No, Nell," Alex quickly said. "Jaz, we can talk later. I really need to clean up and sleep this off."

Jasmine looked at Penelope and smiled. "Sounds good, Alex." And she left the room.

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