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Ah, a bored aristocrat. How original!

Penelope shook her head at the thought of the pox and some of the vile men in the brothel that night. Perhaps this was a good thing. The devil you know and all that nonsense.

She had planned the next two days carefully. Her parents thought she was with Minnie and her family - namely Michael Kendrick. They always hoped that she would marry Minerva's brother. Her mother didn't even warn her to be careful about ruination around him.

But could she stay two full days and nights with the duke? He was such an ass. Penelope knew he would be drunk and crass the entire time. Perhaps he would just pass out and never take her virginity. One could only hope.

When they arrived at the townhouse, it was just as she had left it. Luckily the butler did not appear to recognize her. Thank goodness for the mask.

After dismissing the butler for the evening, they stood in the drawing room.

The couple stood in the center of the room. Alexander prowled around her like a cat, until she became so self conscious that she had to speak. "Shall we sit, my lord Duke?"

"Shall we sit?" He said almost mocking her. "I feel it is time we laid out some...rules. I am in charge here. My home, my bed and you are mine, too. Consider me your lord and master. I will not take any sass or refusals. You will refer to me as 'sir.' Not 'your Grace' or any of that ducal bullshit."

He continued to walk around her, but stopped when he was in front of her. He stared down into her eyes. "I will be your everything these two days. You will worship the very ground I walk on. If you are a naughty girl, then you will be punished. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes, s-sir," Penelope said recalling what he wanted to be referred to. This speech made her nervous. Every bit of her was on edge. Yet there was a part of her that was excited. The other part wished he would pass out drunk again.

"I hate this mask," Alexander said as he ran a finger along its edge. "It will eventually come off. You won't have a say in the matter. You will also wash this scarlet makeup off your lips. You look like a whore." As he said the last part, his thumb smeared the lip paint.

"M-my mask, sir. I-I must not b-be exposed. It would r-ruin m-me," she stammered out.

"Did you not hear me, girl? The mask will go. I actually have the perfect time in mind," he said with an evil grin. "I won't ruin you."

Then it looked like he rethought the statement. "Actually, I will ruin you for other men. So yes, you will be ruined. You will be begging on the floor for more by the end of this. And I'm afraid, you will not get more. So yes, you will be ruined."

Alex grabbed her small hand and pulled her up the stairs. He lead her to the room with the more female touch where she had last seen him passed out. The room where he called her plain.

"It isn't much. A whore's room. But that should suit you nicely with your 'for sale' sign and rouged face. Wash up. I will be back shortly."

With that, Alex left the room. Penelope removed her cloak and dropped it on a nearby chair. She speculated he was off to start his drinking. She went to the washstand and used a nearby cloth to remove the remaining lip paint and rouge from her face.

She examined herself in the mirrored glass. This was it. This is what she had come to. Giving...no...selling herself to a man that didn't care about or for her. A man that was the very devil himself.

The door slammed open and Alex walked in with a snifter of brandy in his hands. So she was right. He likely downed one before he left the decanter. He walked behind her where she looked in the mirror.

They both looked at the reflection they made. The dichotomy was stark. She was in white with a delicate gold mask, where he was in a dark suit with dark features and a menacing look.

The artful design of her hair began to be undone by the man behind her. Pin by pin he let her hair fall down her back. The ringlets tickled her exposed skin where they landed.

"What an unusual color. Like gold was woven into a brown silk." He didn't sound like he was speaking to her. Just musing to himself. "It reminds me of someone. I just can't..."

Once her hair lay in curls down her back he moved it over her shoulder. He let his finger tips feather over her shoulder blades and down her back until he reached the clasps and cords that held her dress together. His actions to undo them showed he had a practiced skill in this action.

The dress was designed to be removed easily. And it was. It fell to the floor with a whoosh, and Penelope saw her completely naked figure in the mirror. Every ounce of her being wanted to cover herself, but she knew Alex would scold her.

"Well, look at this. No underthings. No corset. No shift. Hmm, I didn't expect such immediate...gratification." Alex observed as he ghosted his hands down her sides and to her bottom. He watched her reaction the entire time in the mirror.

She knew her eyes were falling closed when he told her to watch. His finger moved around to her front and over her small belly. They crept upward and skimmed the lower swells of her breasts. Goose bumps and chills covered her skin in his path. Did he like what he saw or did he see only a plain girl?

"You like this, pet?" He whispered in her ear. "You like me looking at you, hm? Touching your soft skin?"

"Y-yes, sir," Penelope whispered back. And it was true. She liked the feel of his eyes and hands on her. She almost felt beautiful. As though he didn't see plain old Penelope. But the goddess she was disguised as.

"I'm going to touch your pussy now," Alex promised her. His finger dipped down from her belly button to her pussy lips. "I can already feel how wet you are, pet. Is that pussy juice for me, love?"

"Oh God! Y-yes, s-s-sir," the feeling was overwhelming her. She would have agreed to anything at this point. Her eyes had been on his finger but now they raised to his own eyes. His look held a hunger she couldn't describe. Like he wanted to kill and fuck her all at the same time. Was he angry with her?

"Wanton little piece, aren't you?" He said in a deep chuckle. He circled her wet clit, then continued down to her pussy hole. "This right here is what I paid a lot of money for, pet." He was again staring in her eyes in the mirror. "This is mine."

He dipped his finger inside to his first knuckle. He tease the entrance over and over. Going deeper each time.

Penelope didn't realize but she was leaning back against him. Her legs parted. Her head fell back. "More p-please, s-sir."

"Not yet, angel." His hand came back up her front until it cupped her breast. His other hand stayed on her hip, pushing her backside against his erection.

Alex squeezed her breast. He pulled and pinched her nipples. She couldn't believe how sensitive they were. Her head rolled on his shoulder as he continued the slow seduction.

Her hands seeking something to do, landed on his muscled thighs still encased in his breeches. He was still fully clothed. She slid her hands to the front placard of his pants, and they both landed on his hardened cock.

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