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Penelope shot up before he could get to her. "You knew?! How?!" She ran over to her dress and tried to put it back on. But it was much to complex.

Alex sat up in bed. Damn but he looked good. "Yes, of course I knew. I tried to give you opportunities to back out. And by the time you sucked me off, I couldn't help myself. It doesn't change anything I said though."

"Like hell it doesn't!"

"You are mine, Nell! I paid a great deal of money, and I intend to get my money's worth from you. You owe me," he said with a sneer. "You will follow the fucking rules, or I swear you will be ruined!"

He was now off the bed towering over her. "You don't want me. Just leave me be. I know this is so game or joke to you. You have my innocence. Let's leave it at that."

"Not a chance. And this is not a joke to me. This is what happens when little girls play naughty games. There are consequences. And me not wanting you?! That's a farce."

He grabbed the sides of her head and tilted it back. His thumbs pressed into the sides of her throat, feeling the tender flesh. "You know you really should be thanking me."

"Thank you? Are you joking?" She asked softly he breath slightly constricted.

"Pope and Lockheart, the two older chaps at the auction have some whore's disease. Philips is known for beating his lovers. His last one left his company with a broken arm and nose. And of course there is your friend, Kendrick. He planned to share you with all of us."


"Let us all have a go! A lot cheaper that way for sure," he said tightening his grip. "Thank. Me."

His mouth was by her ear. It was hot and demanding. He began to back her to the wall. Penelope looked up to his eyes. He was right. This could have been worse. She licked her parched lips. "Th-thank you."

"Thank you...?"

"S-sir. Th-thank you, sir."

Alex crashed his lips down on to hers. He pinned her hard against the wall. A near by vase crashed to the floor from the action. He pulled back. "Kiss me back."

This was Penelope's first kiss. She didn't know what he meant, but she started to mimic the movement of his lips. She touched his tongue with her own. Her arms flew to his neck and the dress she held up for modesty fell to the floor. But she didn't care, she was too caught up in the feeling.

Alex pulled her thighs up around him. His cock was hard against her entrance. He made a feral growl and pushed forward. Penelope's back arched and her head flew back.

Alex buried his head in her neck and bit as he fucked her against the wall. The pleasure and pain made her hold him tighter as he pounded his flesh into hers. Finally, they both found release. Their bodies were covered in sweat and cum. Their bodies held on to each other as they panted in recovery.

"Bed," was all he said as he picked her up and walked across the hall to his chambers. He plopped her on the bed, and they both slipped under the covers. Exhausted and sated. "Good night, angel," he whispered as she closed her eyes.

Penelope woke the next day with a stream of sunlight covering her body. She turned on her side and met the hard body of her bedmate.

"Good morning, pet," he grumbled as he peeled his eyes open. "Sleep well?"

Penelope returned to laying on her back. She pulled the sheet right across her body. She still couldn't believe the night before.

Alex propped himself on his elbow and looked down at her. "Now, now. Let's not be shy," he said as he slowly peeled the sheet down to he navel. "I very much like a nice view in the morning."

His eyes roamed over her breasts. His hand moved from the sheet to her belly. He lightly touched the flesh there. It was slightly rounded where he touched.

"Do you think we made a baby last night, angel?" His fingers continued to move as his eyes watched them. He looked up to her eyes. "Do you?"

"I-I d-don't know, s-sir," she sputtered. Lord she hoped not!

"I think we may have. You know...I was thinking...perhaps you and the boy could live here. I think I would like to see him grow up."


"Yes, I changed my mind. I would want you here with my child." He was still looking at her belly. "I've never cum inside a woman before. You are the first."

Penelope looked over at him. "I-I plan to leave England. God help me, if I am pregnant, then I will raise him in America."

"The hell you will!" He stormed. His hand stilling and going flat on her abdomen. "No son of mine will be raised a Yankee. Fuck that! Colonial assholes. If you are pregnant, you will remain here. There is no question about it. No doubt."

"I-I won't be your mistress, Alex," she clarified.

"You will be whatever I decide, understand?" He climbed over her splitting her legs as he moved. He settled his weight on her pussy. He captured her face in his hands as he balanced on his elbows. "You will want what I give you."

He lifted slightly to angle his cock to her wet hole. He leaned on his one elbow so he could use his hand to aim his cock. Alex pushed slowly into her warm, wet hole.

Penelope loved the full feeling. She craved more. Her arms wrapped around him without any thought. She hummed at the feeling as he began to pump his hips slowly.

"Tell me you want my baby, Nell," he said as his hand traced her side and cupped her breast. "Say it."

"I-I...mmm...want your baby, Al-Alex...sir," she was drunk off the sex and would have agreed to anything he said. But he didn't care because he heard what he needed. He ground down harder into her pelvis. She pushed up, loving the feeling of the friction on her core.

"Say. It. Again," he growled.

"Wha- oh, yes, I want to have your...oh my! Baby!"

"Again," he grunted and he started to pound her pussy. "Again."

"Give me you ba-baby! I-I n-need... Ah Ah! Fuck!" She felt mindless. The words and feelings jumbling her mind. He was the devil, and she was signing away her soul.

"Cum, Nell," he commanded as he started to feel his impending orgasm. "Cum on my cock!"

At that time, they both came undone. Penelope's eyes were closed tight, bliss running through her. Alex placed his forehead to hers. "Don't shut me out, angel. I'm holding you to your words."

He rolled off her and stalked in all his naked glory to the wash basin. Penelope knew this would be a long day. She only hoped she could survive it in one piece.

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