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The remainder of their time together played out in the same manner as it had before. Loads of sex and bossiness.

The hackney first dropped her at the brothel to change into some clothing Minerva had dropped off earlier that day. Penelope also picked up her half of the auction winnings from Mrs. Z, who was extremely pleased by her share.

Penelope's family was out that evening, so sneaking in was a piece of cake. She bathed and burned her Grecian dress. She placed her money in her hiding place and readied herself for bed. But she was rather lonely.

She recalled the last conversation she had with Alex. It involved some reminders about behavior in society - since he evidently felt she was a child. But he also gave her a passionate kiss. It made her body heated and it took all her self control to walk away. As she turned to leave, he grabbed her wrist as if he planned to say something. But instead he dropped it and nodded his head.

And that was it. Now she had a cold bed and a lot of lying to do. But she finally had a picture of her future. With or without the duke.

"The Duke of Cambridge escorting his aunt, Lady Fleming," the butler announced to the ball two nights later.

Penelope tried not to look toward the entrance in fear that her reaction would tell a story she didn't want told.

"Penny!" Minerva whispered. "You must tell me who won the auction!"

For the past 15 minutes Minerva had asked the same question. She looked for clues in every look or passerby. She had guessed at least ten gentlemen including her brother - who she knew couldn't be the winner.

"Minnie, I cannot tell you! I'm sure he wouldn't want the world knowing. But rest assured he wasn't an unpleasant sort," Penelope said thinking back to what Alex had said about those he outbid.

"I can keep a secret! I've kept this one for weeks now. You simply -"

"Minnie and Penny!" Kendrick tease them. "Anything good in the gossip rag these days? Has my name appeared?" He laughed, but Penelope could tell he wanted the notoriety.

"Perhaps. There was a story of an impotent lordling that disappointed several ..." Penelope started. She couldn't resist teasing him. He was such an ass.

"That wasn't me! Gah! I'll have you know my cock..."

"Kendrick! The ladies do not wish to hear about your dick," a familiar voice boomed. So much for discretion.

"Perhaps not Minnie, but Penny here always likes to hear about it, eh?" Kendrick said while nudging her with an elbow.

"Is that so, Lady Penelope?" Alex asked with a quirk of his brow.

"Who wouldn't, your Grace?" She said between her teeth.

Minerva raised her hand. "I for one."

They all started to laugh at her reaction. Except for Kendrick. "Penny, dance with me."

"I'm sorry.."

But before she could make her excuses, he grabbed her hand and took her to the dance floor for a waltz. "You look different tonight. A little more color or life in your eyes."

"Um, thank you?"

"I was thinking... Since you are on the shelf and all, well, would you care to be my...mistress?" Penelope looked at Kendrick to gauge if he was serious. And he was.

"Never," was all she could say before she pulled from his grasp and walked off the floor. Perhaps that was all she was good for - a mistress.

Penelope met back up with Minerva. "What did that oaf of a brother say to you? You look incensed."

"He wanted me to be his...mistress!"

"The hell?!" Alex said from behind her. "And what did you say?!"

"I was having a private..."

"What did you tell him, Lady Penelope?"

"Your Grace, Penelope and I were having a private..."

"Penelope! What did you say to Kendrick?" Alex had clearly had enough of not having his question answered.

"I said that I never would."

"That is all you said?"

"Of course! There really isn't anything else to say to that. A gentleman should never ask a lady such a thing!" Now she was talking about the duke himself.

"Lady Minerva, your brother is an ass. I'll go speak with him. Lady Penelope, some men are lonely and don't think about what they say." Was he talking about himself or Kendrick? A bushel of assholes.

After Alex left Minerva and Penelope, Minerva turned to Penelope, "It was Cambridge!"


"Cambridge is the one that won the auction! You should have said something! Did he hurt you? I hear he is the worst of lowlifes. Drinking, whoring, gambling..."

"Um, Minnie, please keep your voice down. Fine. It was the duke. It was nothing though. Please don't speak of it again."

"Is he built like one of those statues in the garden? Like a god?" Minerva asked in a whisper.

"Better," Penelope whispered back. "Now that is all I will say on the matter!"

"Lucky," Minerva laughed.

The ball seemed to last forever. Penelope was dead on her feet. She had danced more than any ball that season or before. Perhaps something did change in how she looked.

The next few events seemed to be similar - men that she had never considered began to pay attention to her. She received more callers and invitations to ride in the park.

Some mentioned her confidence. Others said she had grown into her beauty - whatever that means. So she kept up appearances and waited for the day she could leave this all behind.

One afternoon as she rode her horse in Hyde Park with a gentleman named Mr. Wexler, she saw the duke of Cambridge. She hadn't seen him in over a week. He was riding aside a tall blonde woman. She was perfection itself.

To say Penelope was jealous was an understatement. She had never felt this way before. Had she a weapon in hand the gorgeous lady would be face down in the shrubbery.

As the two couples approached each other, Penelope simply nodded her acknowledgment. The other couple mimicked her nod and they kept riding. She was so glad that was over. But she still couldn't concentrate on the conversation with Wexler. Her mind kept picturing the duke - Alex - doing the same things they had done a week ago with the blonde.

After the ride and farewells, Penelope retired to her room to clear her head. But instead she paced her room. She continued to imagine the worst with Alex. Clearly, the woman accompanying him was worthy of a duke. She needs to get out of town before she did something crazy.

Then a knock came to her door. "Milady! You have a caller in the salon!"

"Tell him I am indisposed!"

"Ma'am he is being rather insistent," the butler replied.

Penelope swung open the door, "Fine!" She marched down to the salon. Whatever this man wanted, it better be good.

When she opened the door, Alex stood in the middle of the room looking at a family portrait. "You looked cozy today, pet."

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