Procrastination because why the fuck not

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A short 500 word story about Harry procrastinating his potion's homework until the day before. I want to thank pan-dora_tonks for giving me inspiration for this. He gave me the words "No Inspiration" to write a story on.

Harry hits his head against the table repeatedly, trying to find inspiration for his potions homework. He had gotten the basic idea of it. Only it was very rough and hardly acceptably. He lifted his head, looking over what he had written.

It's short for what he needs. About a quarter of a page long. He needs for it to be a page for it to be accepted. Recounting the uses of a bouncing bulb and how you can disarm it for potion-making. As of now, he only has random sentences he found in books and a snaky unedited 5 sentence mess that reads as;

The primary purpose of a bouncing bulb is to create a potion made for turning peoples heads into pumpkins. The uses of it are questionable, but for you, Snape, I'll ignore it. The many applications of the plant include; the potion I mentioned before and a way to irritate the gardeners when you request more. It also is exceptional detention material if you want to punish your students. According to Draco, my boyfriend, you used to punish him this way when you watched him.

He reads over it again. The feeling of dread overcoming him. "Fuck", he whispered to himself. He obviously couldn't begin his essay like this. Snape would kill him and bring him back, only to kill him again if he told Snape that he was dating his godson in this way. It was due in ten hours and, he still had to sleep. Time is running short and, this is the only thing he has written so far. It would be honestly better for everyone if he just didn't submit anything.

He decides after a very long contemplation of 3 minutes that he probably should finish the essay. He sighs. It's going to be a long night.

Harry can barely keep his eyes open as he reads another one of Draco's books. When had he taken up so much concern and passion for potions, you may ask yourself? Since Draco, the way they had connected over it made the subject sort of special. Draco tutoring him was the way they bonded and became what they were today. And he would be lying if he said it hadn't made its way somewhere into his heart.

He could ask Draco for help. However, looking over his shoulder to where he was peacefully sleeping... He just couldn't. He could do this. He had enough study sessions with him before they started dating. Though they mostly were just talking because neither wanted to actually work.

Harry finished the last book he could find on bouncing bulbs and looked over the facts he had gathered, like descriptions of the plant and ways to gather them. He began to actually write.

Harry got up drowsiness overcame him. He walks over to where Draco's sleeping. Harry throws himself next to his boyfriend, tired from the stress of writing the essay. Once his head hits the pillow, he's out. 

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