Chapter Six-Rose

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(((Picture of Greymorea-The Elven Archer)))

And The Talking Heads 1978 debut song 'Psycho Killer', the next song in the 'We are mad...' soundtrack, right in the media section.

Warning: It is rated Mature for horror themes, adult themes.

You must be 15 years and over to see and hear it.


Rose awoke from her deep slumber.

Her gown drifted down the hallway, as she got out of her chambers. The brightly-lit lights illumed the spacious room; the guards stood at attention.

She opened the door, then saw Avros.

"M'Lady, how did you sleep?", he asked.

"Very well. I hoped that there wasn't futher disturbances in the night? I won't like it in the dark woods, where the werewolves dwell".

"Nay, M'Lady. No one dares to kill a tall, elegant, lady of the Light". Rose smiled. She glided down the hallway, "M'Lady...".

Rose blinked.

"It is not my choice to be beholden to the truth. But, there's a lot of people here. Elves, vampires, guards, and witches".

"Mist Gate ones".

"Mist Gate is one place not to be spoken of in the Realms. Nothing is what it seems there. London is rife with the Undead".


"No! Vampires. Madness Town is the correct term for this place. It's not here...Nor there. It is just there".


"It is a place of dreams. And nightmares. And fantasy. Good and evil. I live here because it's my home; it's your home".

"Only because it's where I went to after my parents died. And Juris. Getting rid of a monster is not my priority now".


And he nodded, as they walked downstairs to the Dining Room...

...And ate their meals in their favorite seats by the warm fireplace.


April sighed.

She tapped on the door.

"Hello?", she asked.

Dresmondra smiled.

"Come in, child. Are you lost?".

"Yes. There's Zombies out there. And I'm scared".

"Let's get you dressed. It's cold!".

April nodded.

"Is this the Elven Inn?", she asked.

"Yes, where all creatures dwell. I'm Dresmondra. I have been transported here to Madness Town after the trouble in England".


"Why yes, child. A lot of witches were burnt in London. Bad ones. Of course, we took over from Lord and Lady Simon and Gemma Carnavan".

"I heard about them in History class".

"Did you? Oh, they were a elegant couple. They fell in love when Lord Carnavan told Simon off in 1822 for trespassing".

"And did he know why he did what he did?".

"He did it because his parents are explorers. They forgot about their only son. What's your name?", she asked.

"April, Dresmondra".

"Ah, yes. A pretty girl's name. You see, Mist Gate was owned by Lord Harold Carnavan in the 17th Century. He turned everyone in the Village of Vampires. Sometimes, you didn't know who was a Vampire...until some servant girls were bitten by local men".

"Who were they?".

"Oh, Byers...or someone else. And other one. They were criminals. And lads. They liked to see regal ladies in their Castles...And cause scandals. That was centuries ago. Lord Carnavan pleaded with the villagers not to bite everyone. And his voice reverberated around the arches in London. The whole village was turned. Even though he failed, no more villagers were bitten. It was the plague that caused the risings".

"And what then?".

"Then there was the war of the Five Vampire Families. That is a long story". April shivered. She was about to speak, when Rose arrived...

...And glared at the small girl with a look of distaste in her mouth.


April backed away.

Rose flashed the light at her face.

"Don't worry, I'm Rose, the Lightkeeper".

"Like the ones at the shores?".

"No. I illume all of the dark places in Madness Town. It's what I do, dear. Now, if you'd like a bath, we'd get you cleaned up",

"Yes, M'Lady".

Rose who was about to say Stop calling me 'M'Lady'...gave up.

"The Inn is full of different guests. Where's your parents?".


"I'm sorry. Please, let me show your to my private chambers. You can stay here until you're of age". April gazed at the tall woman in the multi-colored long dress.

"Oh, I hate to be a nuisance, M'Lady".

And Rose hugged her, and told her that she was welcome at the Elven Inn.


Page 7.

We are mad in the Land of Madness Series 1, Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now