chapter forty eight*

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A/n: straight fluff babes, and mentions of smut


Anakin took a while to wake up. You guessed it was because you sucked the soul out of him only a few hours earlier... well at least now you knew what to do when he was having trouble sleeping.

When he did wake up, he blinked a couple times at the ceiling, then craned his head down to look at you.

"'Morning," he smiled lazily.

You smiled back, and pushed a loose curl off of his forehead. "Good morning, sleepyhead."

"What time 's it?"

"Still early," you glanced at the clock on the nightstand. "But we're snowed in, anyway. Can't go anywhere, even if you were planning on it."

"Wasn't," he shook his head, and then frowned. "Was Obi-Wan here?"

"He came to get some milk."

He thought for a moment, brain still sluggish with sleep. "Why didn't he just go to the store?"

"It's full of doomsday shoppers," you nodded toward the window. "It snowed a lot last night."

"Y/n," he regarded you seriously, eyebrow raised. "You can stop lying now."

You flinched, cursing at yourself. Of course he knew you were lying-- even if he couldn't use the force to read you, he knew you too well to see all of your tells.

It kinda pissed you off... lying was always a forte of yours. But now you'd been caught red handed.

"I'm sorry," you ducked your head. "He just came to say..."

Oh god, he was going to freak.

"It's okay," he encouraged, smoothing some hair back by your shoulder and squeezing it comfortingly. "Whatever it is, I won't get mad."



"Okay," you wrung your hands together. "He just came to say.. that... he knows about you and me. But that he thinks it's okay. And he supports it."

You watched the emotions cross over Anakin's face one by one. Shock. Dread. Confusion.

"He... supports it?"

"Yeah. He thinks we're good for each other," you watched his reaction hesitantly.

His eyebrows smoothed out, eyebrows clearing. To your relief, it looked like he stuck true to his promise. He wasn't mad.

"Obi-Wan said that. Huh. And I always thought he was such a stickler for the rules."

"Same," you laughed nervously.

Anakin looked down at you again. "Why didn't he tell me?"

"You were sleeping."

"If he wanted me to know, he would have waited until I was up. No--" he shook his head. "He kept it from me for some reason."

You weren't going to mention the warning he gave you-- about Anakin joining the dark side.

You'd just need to think of another excuse. Think, think, think...

"Maybe he was planning on it," you decided on. "Later, I mean. When you guys could be alone. Have a bro-talk and all."

Anakin laughed. "A bro-talk. Yeah, alright. Obi-Wan doesn't do those."

"Oh, I bet he tries. You just have your head too far up your ass to recognize when he's trying to bond with you."

"Huh?" he looked at you shocked, almost offended.

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