chapter forty four

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A/n: ok this is my favorite chapter 🥰

The sight of the bustling streets of Coruscant almost had you falling to your knees right in the middle of the docking platform.

Anakin helped you out of the ship, noting the immense relief you felt as you took it all in once again— the honking of speeders, the yelling of vendors, the dozens and dozens and dozens of people hurrying up and down the block.

You wouldn't show it, but you missed this place. So much. It had been your safe haven once, the place you found your freedom. And it was that way again, now.

Part of you was afraid you'd never see it again.

"Got a headache yet?" Rex joked, passing you on his way out of the ship. You smiled and shrugged, thanking him for everything he had done before Anakin released him from his duties.

And then... you were back to that blasted medbay.

"I don't think I can work here ever again," you grumbled as Anakin held the door open to you. "Not with everything that's happened."

"I wouldn't blame you," he grimaced, then followed you into the waiting area. It seemed like all of the medics were busy with emergencies, so you had to wait in one of the chairs before you could be seen.

"I don't really know what I'll do after the war is over, if that's the case," you told him. Maybe you should just suck it up and stay here. Request a different room or something. There was no way you were leaving the Temple as long as Anakin was here.

"You can join me on my relief missions," he suggested, erasing all of your worries. "I'm going back to the Outer Rim, freeing all the slaves. I'll need a medic."

And you could see it. That future with him— no battles, no blaster shots, no explosions. Just you and Anakin and a ship, traveling far and wide to lands you'd never even dreamed of. Showing up to people's doors and loading them on the ship. Bringing them wherever they wanted to go to live the rest of their lives, free.

You could make a difference. A real, true difference.

All of it, with him.

It brought a little hopeful smile to your face, one that he mirrored. Both of you thinking the same thing, wanting the same thing.

A future together.

Anakin's com beeped just as you were called back. You looked at him as he cut it short, standing to come with you.

"You gonna ignore that?"

"It's not that important."

"Could be the Council."

"They can wait," he cut another incoming call off, raising a teasing eyebrow at you. "Besides, don't you need me to hold your hand?"

"Shut up," you rolled your eyes. "Go see what they need. Now's a perfect time to request some time off, anyway."

He sighed, not wanting to leave you, but knowing his ass would be in the hot seat if he put them off for any longer. They'd been buzzing him since you'd landed.

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