chapter three

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The week went by as it always did, although it seemed to drag on as Friday neared. You were so excited to go to the Core with the girls that you were buzzing as you left work that afternoon.

You had only seen Anakin once after he brought you lunch a few days before, and it was in passing as you were both hurrying places in the temple. He looked busy so you didn't stop him, instead returning the smile and nod as you walked past. The way your stomach did flips at the mere second of his attention on you was criminal.

Now, thank the maker, you were shopping for drink supplies to pregame with the girls later. It always soothed your anxiety about hanging out with people by inviting them over to your place— that way you had more control over the environment and never felt like a burden for being there.

After getting the alcohol and mixer, you set off for home in the cold autumn afternoon. You immediately poured yourself a drink to start off a little early as you got ready, doing your hair and makeup and singing along to music as you got dressed.

It was cold out, but you hadn't been to the Core in a while and you wanted to make an impression, so you chose a long-sleeved black dress that clung to your body, a slit in the thigh that revealed the skin of your leg. It was a simple, basic club-dress, but you didn't often go for something so bold and form-fitting. You took another shot as you studied your body in the mirror, knowing you'd need as much encouragement as you could get before stepping out in something like this.

The girls arrived soon later, all looking absolutely stunning in their own club attire. Freya and Vera beelined for the alcohol you set out on the counter and Celesta followed them, smacking Freya in the back of the head for spilling some tequila. Tori fixed her makeup in the mirror, and Sabé walked in carrying a box full of makeup and hair supplies for Padmè. After they had all gotten their drinks, you turned up the music and helped Padmè get ready.

It was fun, letting you guys disguise her like this. You thought she'd look good in a pink-bob wig like Celesta, so that's the one she was now wearing. Celesta worked her magic with the makeup and you brought your own pallets out, blending and shading and adding so many sparkles to her face she was starting to resemble a disco ball. And the dress she was wearing— body tight, lacy, and short, leaving little to the imagination. No one would ever guess the Senator and former Queen of Naboo was under all this.

She was even tipping back shots as you handed them to her.

"How many is this?!" She laughed as you got her another. You clinked glasses and drank it down with her, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand before answering.


"I should probably stop before I get ahead of myself," she winced at the taste, handing the shotglass back to you.

Vera swooped in and took it, repouring one for herself. "As long as you promise to get another drink at the bar!"

"Yes, yes, I will."

Once Padmè was effectively no longer Padmè, and the whole lot of you were effectively no longer sober, you began stumbling down the street to the Core. It was late and the nightclub was in full swing when they let you in. You breathed in the smoky, dense air of the club, blinking your eyes to adjust to the strobing lights and deafening music.

Yeah. You needed this.

It was easy to lose yourself in the party. You were no stranger to this kind of scene, even back home on Noxella. Your friends threw some wild parties and introduced you to many things your parents would not approve of, which is exactly why you had done them. Now, you got to indulge in it once more.

You, Sabè, and Vera immediately hit the dance floor while the rest went to get more drinks at the bar. You didn't know the song, but the alcohol in your veins and your willingness to let loose, plus the complete joy and comfort of being surrounded by true friends had you jumping and dancing and twirling all around. You didn't care who saw, honestly you wanted people to see you now. You were glad you wore the dress as you caught a couple people watching you dance, but Sabè's quick eyes always told them to back off before they could advance.

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