chapter thirty eight*

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Warning: mentions of smut
You woke up more relaxed than you've ever been in your entire life.

And hornier.

Being on your period did that to you sometimes-- it was a gamble, really. Usually you felt like a disgusting piece of crap the first few days, when the bleeding was heaviest and symptoms the worst. But sometimes, it just made you want to fuck literally anything in sight.

Not that you'd ever actually do that.

But now, you had someone who was willing to fulfill that desire, and he was breathing softly above your head, cradling you in his arms, and so deliciously warm and strong with each flex of his muscles, each dip of his fingers into the flesh of your waist, each shift of his hips against your back...

You seriously considered repeating the events of yesterday morning again right now. Maybe you'd be better at it, and he'd reward you with more of those pretty moans and whimpers.

Or maybe... you wriggled ever so slightly in his hold, a spark of heat shooting up your spine as you realized how close his hips were to your backside...

Anakin's breath caught, whining slightly as he realized he had woken up and now had to face the day. Groaning lowly in his throat, he tightened his hold around you so that he could roll over, settling you on top of his chest.

"Go back t'sleep," he grumbled. "'ts too early."

A couple problems with the sudden turn of events.

One, the new position with the front of your hips now pressed into his leg, applying the most delicious pressure to your center, was not exactly helping with your horny-situation.

And two, shifting like this caused you to just absolutely gush blood, and now you were unceremoniously wriggling around in his arms, a little panicked as you tried to break free before you leaked everywhere.

"Mmm, what is it?" Anakin cracked an eye open, lifting his arms so you could sit up and swing your legs off of him. He moaned dramatically again as you left the bed completely, heading straight into his bathroom to check the damage.

You had basically soaked through as you slept, but thankfully nothing had gotten on your sleep shorts, which meant nothing was on the bed. Phew. That would have been a whole other level of embarrassment, one you're not sure you could ever come back from.

But now you were just annoyed again. You wanted to get off so bad, but your stupid period was preventing you from doing that, even to yourself. It had ripped any pleasure away from you that you might have felt, too worried about getting blood anywhere to really enjoy it.

It was so fucking unfair. Guys didn't have to worry about it at all-- they could just jerk it whenever they felt like, no problem whatsoever. But you had to deal with blood, and cramps, and headaches, and a new fucking breakout on your chin that you were just now noticing, and this frustratingly bad mood that you didn't even want to be in.

You just wanted to fuck something right now, was that too much to ask for??

Anakin could feel your frazzled nerves behind the door. He leaned against it, arms crossed as he knocked a couple times with his knuckle.

"You good in there? Can I get you anything?"

Yeah. Your dick.

"No, I'm good," you answered, stuffing your underwear with toilet paper to make it back to your room. You opened the door to find him standing there and swiftly walked past, wanting nothing more than to get to your room already, and clean up, and change, and then get something to eat...

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