*chapter forty six*

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Warning: smut

It wasn't a flurry of kisses and clothes thrown around after that, not like in the movies.

No, that would have been too fast, and he didn't want to scare you. As soon as he heard that quiet little "yes", he smiled at you all softly. Then leaned down and kissed you the same way.

"Any special requests?" He asked, letting his lips hover over yours, feeling your eyelashes flutter closed among the overwhelming emotions coursing through you.

"Um," your voice was high, slightly shaky as you tried to think. "Maybe... um... maybe just keep it simple this time. Nothing like—"

You knew what you were trying to say, you just couldn't spit it out. Again. It was just so hard to say things like this, when he was all over you like this, and he was so intimidating...

"Maybe like..." you took a breath, tried again. "Maybe... just hands this time." You thought you might cry, or throw up, or both.

"Just hands. Got it."

"And I think that's it."

"You'll let me know if there's anything else?"

"I will," you nodded, too dizzy to process that you were suddenly in his arms until you were halfway across the kitchen.

He carried you to your bedroom like he had done only hours earlier, only with much different intentions than before. Now when he set you down, he remained hovered over you, smoothing your bangs back from your face sweetly.

"You okay?" He teased. "Did I scare you off already?"

"No, I'm fine," you brought your arms up to loop around his neck, the feeling of his warm skin steadying you.

You knew that once you were turned on more, this would get easier. But right now he was scanning your face in that intensely calculating way of his, taking in each twitch and shift of your facial expression, eyes dipping down to the robe. He sacrificed a hand to play with the collar of it again, leaning onto one arm beside you to do so, looking at you questioningly.

"Can I take this off?"

"Wait—" You couldn't do this when he was looking at you so intensely. You just wanted to shrivel up into a ball and combust under his gaze. "Kiss me first."

He indulged your request, leaning down to frame your lips with his. You met him halfway, needing it just as much as him, the distraction of his mouth sucking your bottom lip just the slightest bit, his tongue curling into your mouth, his taste filling your senses.

In the back of your mind, you could feel that he was pulling your robe apart with his hand, sliding down the center of your chest, tickling your skin as he revealed your body to the cold air.

You shivered as you felt the chill, bringing your good hand up to cup his cheek, keeping his lips pressed against yours so he couldn't look yet.

You were underneath him, all exposed except for the cloth of your panties, shivering from nerves and the draft sneaking in from the window. The snowstorm was in full swing now, flurries of white puffs falling heavily outside. But Anakin rolled over on top of you, pressing his chest to yours, skin again skin, heat against heat, protecting you from the cold.

Your breath hitched as you felt him, nipples sensitive as they dragged along his chest, and that same hand was now smoothing over your stomach, around your waist, fitting over the curve of your ribs and then inward, up your sternum.

He bypassed your breasts, opting to continue his journey up your neck so that he could hold your throat in place and kiss you more deeply, the rest of your body squirming beneath his, unused to being touched so directly like this.

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