Chapter 2: Dinner with the boys.

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Anna's POV

I finally reach Starbucks and I could see Kylee and Theodore in the window already. I go inside with my bodyguards and they take a seat. Kylee and Theodore stands up to greet me. (Picture of Theodore on the side!)

"Anna banana!" Kylee says smiling and she hugs me so tight I can't breathe.

"Kyl... I c-can't b-breathe." I said stuttering through my words trying to breathe. She finally lets me go steps aside.

"An-An!" Theodore says. And let me tell you, that is the worst nickname he EVER gave me. I mean he could've chose any nickname in the world, bu he chose this one.

"Theo!" I hug back smiling. We go to our seats and Kylee hands me a Dark Cherry Mocha latte and it is absolutely my favorite!

"So? Tell us." Kylee says. I have no idea what she's talking about, maybe about the boys?

"Huh?" I ask and Kylee and Theodore give each other a look the hell are they doing?

"About the boys silly!" Theodore says and I nod. Obviously they wanted to know because we three are directioners. Not the hardcore ones that I know.

"Oh! Okay well I went inside the meeting room to greet my dad and I see One Direction." I said then Theodore spit coffee out of his mouth and mumbled an 'excuse me'.

"Continue" Kylee said and I nod.

"Continuing, All the boys stood up to greet me then they introuduced themselves to me then my dad introduced them to me so you know then we talked and stuff." I say sipping my latte. Kylee and Theodore nod and we talked about random things.

My bodyguards or should I say, Calvin and Klein, and yes it's weird isn't it? I laughed in my mind when my dad introduced them to me because they're names were like the underwear brand and it was hilarious.

We were all done talking then I realize it was alredy 6:00 PM and my dad said to invite them to the house. I wonder if the boys were still there?

"Kylee and Theodore, would you like to go to my house for some dinner?" I said fancily while giggling.

"Sure!" They both said. Calvin and Klein stood up from they're chairs and guided us to the car. We finally approched the car and we all went inside jamming in to Ed Sheeran.

We finally arrive to the house and we entered the doors all the maids welcoming us. Same routine everyday.

We go to the dining room and its kinda huge. (Picture in external link below the tags)

I see the boys and my dad talking about stuff I don't know and all their faces turn to us.

"Hello Anna!" My dad says getting up from his seat hugging me.

"Hello Kylee and Theodore!" My dad smiles to them and they smile back. We all go to our chairs and I could see Harry was sitting beside me and I ALWAYS sit beside my dad. I don't know why.

We all eat and have seperate conversations and I could see Niall and Zayn staring at me.

"So, how are you?" Harry says trying to start a conversation with me.

"I'm fine, how about you?" I reply back. And his eyes were so beautiful, it was like a beautiful shade of green.

"I'm fine too, anyway how's school?" He says and well school was always normal.

"Oh, you know lots of people trying to be friends of me just because I'm Simon Cowell's daughter" I said making an emphesis on Simon Cowell's daughter. He just nods and I could see Kylee and Theodore winking at me.

We talked through the whole dinner and Harry is really sweet because he listens to you and doesn't look at anybody else.

Dinner was finished and we all proceeded to the living room while I went upstairs to change my outfit. I entered my room and went straight to my closet and wore a shirt called Life is just a day dream with shorts which are floral designed.

I go downstairs and see all the boys eyes are on me and I feel really awkward right now.

"We gotta go Anna, we'll see you on monday babe!" Theodore said and I could see Kylee rubbing her eyes already.

"Oh okay, bye guys see you on monday too!" I said while hugging them, they went to the door and Kylee stands by.

"By the way, thanks for dinner!" Kylee said and I just smile and they're gone. I sit on the couch with the boys and I saw my dad go upstairs to grab something, I think?

"So, whose Theodore?" Louis asks and all the boys joins the conversation.

"Theodore is my gay best friend who dresses like a fine posh boy, why?" I reply and Niall speaks up.

"Oh nothing, Lets play 20 questions!" Niall said.

"Full name?" Zayn asks raising his eyebrow up which looks weird.

"Anna Rose Cowell" I say.

"Friends?" Liam asks.

"Only 2 which is Kylee and Theodore" I say and they all nod their heads.

"Any boyfriend?" Harry asks and thats the part I'm embarrased about.

"Not a single one." I say and all the boys expressions were shocked. Why they never saw a girl who had no boyfriend?

"Personality?" Niall asks again.

"I'm smart, weird, kind, and I'm sarcastic" I say.

"No beautiful?" Harry asks

"Nope, I don't think I am" I say

"Well you are beautiful, smart, talented, cute, kind and sarcastic, and weird" Harry says and I giggle and my dad goes downstairs and we weren't able to finsih the 20 questions. No fair.

"Okay bye boys, you've gotta go now look at the time its already 10:30! Anyway come back tomorrow boys we still have alot of discussing to do." My dad says and all the boys say bye to me and my dad d my dad dissmisses me upstairs.

I go upstairs and go to sleep. Today was an intresting day. I go to sleep and dream about unicorns.

The tommo's wife is out. PEACE!

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