we're okay

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a/n: sorry this update is so late, i've had a very busy week but i should be back to updating regularly now. thank you for your patience and for reading, it means the world! :)

  Monday morning came quickly and Denali felt surprisingly ok considering the weekend's events. She had spent the rest of Saturday shut in her room crying since her conversation with Rosé, but on Sunday she had spent time with Olivia, Kahmora and Gigi during the day and had spent time with her father in the evening.

She arrived at school with Gigi as usual and the two chatted as they waited for Olivia and Kahmora to arrive, it seemed as if Kahmora had overslept. She had a test in first period that she finished quickly and felt surprisingly confident about considering she hadn't studied for it over the weekend. The downside if this was that she had to sit through the rest of first period stressing about seeing Rosé again in second period.

They had ended on decent terms but Denali didn't think she would be able to talk to her again without crying. She also didn't want to be around Mik again, the idea made her feel sick. She didn't feel bitter towards Rosé for kissing Mik but for a reason she couldn't explain she felt bitter towards Mik for the whole situation. The bell rang and interrupted Denali's thoughts. She gathered her stuff and took a deep breath before heading towards her second period.

As soon as she entered she made uncomfortable eye contact with Rosé and shifted her eyes away as quickly as she could. The sad smile on Rosé's face broke her heart a little bit as she walked by. She took her usual seat next to Dahlia who offered her a small smile as she sat down.

"How are you feeling?" She asked Denali with a joking tone. Denali cringed as she remembered how hungover she had been on Saturday.

"Better now," she joked hitting Dahlia's arm playfully. "I slept it off." Dahlia opened her mouth to respond but was cut off by Ms. Royale beginning her lesson. Denali couldn't concentrate all class period, all she could think about was Mik and how angry she was at her. She knew her feelings towards Mik weren't exactly fair because technically she should be more upset with Rosé but she couldn't help it. It was a different type of hurt knowing that the girl she once considered her best friend omitted the truth from her and then had hooked up with her ex.

"Are you good?" Dahlia whispered to Denali who snapped out of her thoughts.

"Yeah, why?"

"You're shooting daggers at Mik and Rosé."

"Oh. Yeah I'm good," Denali blushed a little. She hadn't even noticed that she was staring at Mik and Rosé. She silently told herself to snap out of it as she tried to concentrate on Ms. Royale's lesson. Her attempt to pay attention failed when Mik answered one of Ms. Royale's questions, she found herself focusing on Mik again.

As if on cue, Mik turned around to face Denali. Denali felt her cheeks heat up as she tried to turn away before Mik noticed that she was staring but to no avail. Mik offered her a tiny wave that she didn't return. She suddenly felt sick again and knew she couldn't sit still anymore.

"I think I'm gonna be sick," she whispered to Dahlia who looked at her with concern. Dahlia opened her mouth to say something but Denali didn't wait for her response. She jumped up and walked out of the class as fast as her legs could carry her without running. As the door closed behind her she could hear Dahlia explaining to a confused Ms. Royale that Denali was feeling sick which was why she had walked out of her class. Denali silently made note to thank Dahlia for helping her out as she turned the corner towards the bathroom.

When she got to the bathroom she ran into a stall and closed the door behind her. She dry heaved a few times but thankfully didn't throw up. When she was done coughing she realized she wasn't alone in the bathroom. Tiny sniffles that sounded vaguely familiar were coming from the stall next to her. Denali froze, she didn't know who was crying but she knew she should probably try to help them.

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