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TW: Sexual Assault

  Denali walked into Symone's house accompanied by Kahmora and Olivia and immediately felt uneasy. She was always uncomfortable in large crowds. She linked arms with Olivia and Kahmora, put on a huge fake smile, and the three girls walked in laughing. The first three observations that Denali made were that there was a lot of people, the music was extremely loud, and the entire house smelled strongly of weed. Denali crinkled her nose, she didn't particularly love the smell of weed

"Let's get drinks," Kahmora half shouted over the music.

"Yes please," Denali agreed nodding and the girls made their way to the kitchen. Olivia grabbed a water bottle and watched with wide eyes as Kahmora and Denali took two shots each.

"I'll be right back, I need to go talk to Cody," Kahmora said, grabbing another shot for the road.

"This probably won't end well," Olivia sighed. Denali nodded sadly, agreeing. Whenever Kahmora got drunk and confronted Cody for how he treated her, she normally ended up in tears. The two girls waited in the kitchen for Kahmora, expecting to be there for awhile but Kahmora came back only 15 minutes later looking upset but not sad. 

"I ended things with Cody," she said when she saw their questioning looks.

"You were right about him, I don't want a relationship that's only physical or whatever you call what we had." She continued, "We've been hooking up for like 2 months, I'm tired of being used." Denali squeezed her hand and offered her another drink.

"This is a good thing," Olivia reasoned.

"You're so much better off without him," Denali agreed. The girls attempted to comfort Kahmora but she didn't love talking about her feelings.

"Let's just party and forget about him for now," she pleaded. Olivia and Denali knew not to push her so they agreed. About 45 minutes and countless drinks later Denali and Kahmora were dancing wildly while a sober Olivia was trying to make sure neither of them hurt themselves somehow.

"I think I'm gonna throw up," Kahmora moaned clutching her stomach and dry heaving a little.

"I got you," Olivia said taking her hand to lead the girl to the bathroom. "Denali don't take drinks from any strangers, we'll be back in like 5 minutes." 

"okay mom" Denali giggled extending the word mom. Olivia sighed and then guided Kahmora towards a bathroom while pulling her hair away from her face. After dancing by herself for a little bit Denali decided she was thirsty so she headed towards the kitchen. On the way there, she ran into something very solid and almost fell over.

"Woah watch out there," she heard a friendly voice say. She looked up to see a guy from the football team named Kyle staring down at her. Denali was starting to feel the alcohol she had drank and swayed a little on the spot.

"You ok?" Kyle asked her looking a little worried.

"Yeah, I just had a shit ton to drink," Denali giggled.

"Here, let's get you some space," she heard Kyle say. She felt his arm around her waist pulling her upstairs. When her eyes focused again Denali noticed that Kyle had brought her into a bedroom. He guided her to the bed and she sat down beside him taking a deep breath. Everything was hazy and she felt a little sick but even though she was drunk and confused she knew that something didn't feel right. She tried to stand but felt Kyle's hand firmly on her hip keeping her in place. By now she was starting to freak out a little bit. She felt his lips crash onto her's and immediately tensed up and pushed him off of her.

"I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong idea, but I'm gay" she said firmly.

"It's ok, we can fix that," Kyle said, his grip on her tightening as he pushed her down onto the bed so that she was pinned underneath him.

"You just haven't been with the right guy yet." Denali felt sick, it was almost as if she could feel herself leaving her body. She could hear herself saying no repeatedly but Kyle wasn't stopping. She tried to push him off again as his lips moved from her lips and onto her neck.

"Stop," she said hysterically but Kyle just laughed as he started unzipping her dress. Denali was crying now and doing everything she could to get the boy off of her,  but she was a tiny 5'2 girl pinned underneath a guy that had to be at least 6 feet tall. Suddenly the door flew open and light spilled into the room.

"She said no you asshole," a girls voice rang out firmly.

"We were just having some fun, right Denali?" Kyle said squeezing my shoulder. Denali flinched but said nothing as a tear rolled down her cheek. She heard the girl and Kyle arguing before Kyle finally got up and left. Denali sat up and pulled her dress up but remained planted on the bed. She watched as the girl came and sat down on the bed next to her, without thinking Denali flung herself into the girls open arms sobbing uncontrollably. The girl held her for what seemed like hours but was probably only 5 minutes. 

"You're okay now," the girl kept repeating while rubbing Denali's back. After Denali had calmed down she turned to face the girl who had just saved her. She had cool eye makeup and black hair.

"I'm Denali"

"My name's Mikah, but my friends call me Mik" the girl responded. Despite everything that had just happened Denali smiled. When Denali was ready to venture back out into the party, Mik helped her find Olivia and Kahmora. Kahmora looked dazed, confused and completely out of it, but Olivia was a stressed out mess. As soon as Olivia saw Denali she wrapped her arms around her. Denali watched as Mik told Olivia what had happened and knew she would have to make sure Olivia knew it wasn't her fault. Before she the girls left, Mik pulled Denali aside and handed her a slip of paper with her phone number.

"Call me if you need anything," she said seriously. "And if you want to report Kyle, I'll help you do that but it's your choice." Denali promised to call and said she would think about the whole Kyle situation. As soon as the girls got in the car, Kahmora passed out in the backseat. 

"Are you ok?" Olivia asked Denali, her voice breaking as she spoke. "This is my fault, I shouldn't have left you by yourself." Olivia was crying now and apologizing over and over again.

"Olivia," Denali said firmly "this is not your fault. The only person to blame is Kyle." Olivia nodded but Denali could tell the girl was still blaming herself. She took Olivia's hand and held it the whole drive back to her house. When the girls got into Denali's room, they all collapsed on Denali's bed. Kahmora and Denali fell asleep almost as soon as their heads hit their pillows but Olivia laid awake for hours. As she stared at Denali's celling she felt extreme guilt about what happened, and what could have happened to Denali if Mik hadn't found her.

On Monday morning when Denali got to her second period, she spotted Mik right away. Mik waved her over and she sat down next to her. The weekend's events had been terrifying but Denali had gained a friend. The girls looked at each other and smiled, and when their eyes locked Denali knew that she could trust Mik with anything, even though they had just met. Despite everything that had happened to her in the past 48 hours, Denali surprisingly felt happier then she had in a really long time because she was a little less lonely. 


sexual assault is no joke and it happens everyday

Sexual Assault Hotline: 800.656.HOPE (4673)

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