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  Denali had a pretty great weekend. She had spent the day after the party at Symone's house with all the girls that had slept over. On Sunday she had met up with Jan and they had gotten a good amount of their chemistry project done and then she got to spend some time with her dad whom she never got to see. The only weird part of her weekend was Rosé. The girl had stuck her tongue down Denali's throat Friday night and went right back to giving her the silent treatment on Saturday. Denali was slightly confused, she had told Rosé she didn't just want to be some sort of experiment and now she didn't know what she was to Rosé.

Denali went downstairs after getting dressed on Monday morning and gave her dad a huge hug, as he was going on a business trip and wouldn't be back till Saturday. Denali ate an apple,  grabbed her backpack and keys and walked outside to her car. She texted Gigi that she was on the way before pulling out of her driveway and driving down the street to Gigi's house. Gigi was already outside waiting, and as soon as Denali pulled up, she climbed into the passenger seat. Even though Denali had a great weekend, she knew Gigi didn't but she didn't know exactly why. Denali made small talk for a few minutes but curiosity was killing her.

"So, what happened between you and Crystal this weekend?" she asked innocently. She watched as Gigi shifted a little in her seat.

"Well, for some reason she was really jealous that I was hanging out with you and she confronted me about that Friday morning and I was petty and said that she also hung out with other people also instead of just saying that we were only platonic."

Denali nodded and reached over to squeeze Gigi's hand as she spoke.

"And then," Gigi continued after a deep breath. "We got to Symone's house and I tried to apologize but she didn't want to hear it and we just argued some more over stupid shit. And when we got to the party and I went to go get a drink she followed me. We both drank a little too much, one thing led to another and we 'you know'" Gigi said putting air quotes around the word and making a hand gesture. Denali nodded to show that she understood.

"And after I thought that everything would go back to normal but after we finished she didn't even say anything she just got up and left. I found her later and she was making out with Yvie. I ran out but she saw me standing there and tried to follow me and I said some things I regret, I'm sure she said things she regrets as well. I know we weren't official and I knew she wasn't only hooking up with me but it still sucked, it was different vaguely knowing about it but seeing it made it so much worse. She did say that I was the only person she was having sex with though so I don't really know what that means for us. I just wish I had told her how I felt because now it feels like I may have lost her forever." Gigi finished sighing. "But I don't want to talk about her anymore. I want to know why you got into the car on Friday night with a hickey on your neck."

Denali blushed and squealed a little bit. "You noticed that?" Gigi laughed and nodded.

"I'll tell you but you have to promise not to tell anyone," Denali said. "Of course," Gigi replied "Now tell me!" Denali rolled her eyes.

"I may or may not have gotten drunk and made out with Rosé" she said quickly looking over at Gigi to see her reaction. She was glad she did because Gigi's face was priceless.

"No way!" Gigi half shouted. "Are you guys gonna start dating and stuff?"

"I don't know," Denali admitted. "She's been ghosting me all weekend, I mean we literally were together all day Saturday and she never once tried to talk to me. I tried to talk to her like 4 times." 

"Girls are confusing," Gigi stated. "When you're alone they can't get enough of you but as soon as they're around other people suddenly you no longer exist." Denali knew that Gigi was reflecting on her relationship with Crystal but couldn't help but feel that Rosé and her weird thing was similar. If all Rosé wanted was something physical Denali didn't think she could do it. She felt her stomach drop a little from stress. The girls drove to school the rest of the way in thoughtful silence, it wasn't awkward. Denali knew that both of them were thinking about their messed up love lives, or lack thereof.

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