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On Thursday morning Denali walked into second period in a surprisingly good mood. She made her way to her new seat next to Mik and Rosé and sat down. Mik gave her a hug and Rosé offered a quiet hello. On Monday night Mik had called Denali to tell her that she told Rosé about what happened with Kyle. She was worried that Denali would be mad at her for telling Rosé. Denali assured Mik that she wasn't mad, she was actually glad that Mik told her because it was nice having someone new to have her back. Sure, the girls weren't friends, but there was an unspoken level of trust between the girls now and Denali liked that. 

  Second period practically flew by. Denali gave Mik a hug before heading to her third period. The whole day went very quickly before she knew it, it was lunch time. Denali headed outside to where she normally ate and sat down beside Olivia and across from Kahmora. 

"Hey girl," Olivia said a little flatly. Kahmora and Denali exchanged a glance when Olivia turned away. Something about her had been off for a couple of days now.

"Are you okay?" Denali asked. "Of course why wouldn't I be," Olivia laughed with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. Denali knew that if Olivia didn't want to talk about it, she wouldn't so she decided not to push it at the moment. Denali was interrupted from her thoughts when she felt someone's arms fling around her shoulders.

"Heyy Denali, mind if our group joins you?" Mik asked

"Of course not" Denali responded. Mik plopped down next to her followed by Rosé and the other girls filled in. A girl that Denali recognized as Symone sat down next to Olivia. A girl named Kandy sat across from Symone and next to Kahmora. Two girls named Crystal and Gigi sat on the other side of Kahmora and were so close to each other that they were basically sitting in each other's laps. At first lunch was really awkward with a few introductions but eventually Denali was warming up to the group, and was surprised that she was enjoying herself. Kahmora always seemed at ease with big groups and was also fitting in seamlessly. Denali noticed that Olivia was talking with Symone quietly but otherwise didn't participate in group conversation. Something was definitely up with her.

With 15 minutes of lunch left Olivia excused herself saying she had to go to class early. Denali watched her go and exchanged another look with Kahmora, who shrugged. When Denali got up to throw her trash away Kahmora got up with her.

"Is Liv good?" She asked her.

"I don't know, she hasn't said anything to me."

"She hasn't to me either. I think she still feels guilty about what happened with you and Kyle."

"Yeah I was thinking it could be that" Denali sighed. She hated that Olivia was beating herself up over this, it wasn't her fault. Kahmora seemed to guess what Denali was thinking.

"Hey, she'll get over it, she's just stressed right now. You know how much responsibility she feels over us." It was true, Olivia was basically the mother hen of the friendship group, always checking in, helping them if they were drunk, hungover, or sick. She was always extremely caring. As the girls made their way back to the table Mik dropped her phone on the ground. As Denali glanced under the table to grab it she saw Gigi and Crystal's hands fly apart. They had clearly been holding hands under the table. She smirked but said nothing as she handed Mik her phone.

"Thanks gorge," Mik said.

When Denali walked into chemistry at the start of sixth period she made her way to her normal seat and sat down as the bell was ringing. She was glad that she made it to class on time, because Mrs. Von'du hated it when kids were late. Denali pulled out her chem book and faced the front of the classroom where Mrs. Von'du was addressing the class.

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