i really like you

370 17 2

 tw: towards the end of the chapter talk of self harm, depression, and ed. I'll put a warning before the scene in the chapter that way you can skip the scene if needed.

 Denali sat in her 4th period class staring into space. She had gone out with Rosé again last night and it was all she could think about. The two girls had been hanging out for almost three weeks now and thinking about the time they spent together was making Denali's heart flutter. Last night the two girls had gone out for ice cream and debated the best ice cream flavor playfully for almost an hour. One of the things that Denali really liked about spending time with Rosé was the fact that they could talk about literally anything for hours. It was strange how something as simple as talking could give Denali butterflies.

"What's with your goofy grin?" Crystal whispered nudging Denali with her shoulder. Denali just smiled and shrugged at Crystal. Another thing about befriending Mik and starting to date Rosé was that now Denali had a couple more friends and she had to admit, that was really nice. Before Rosé, Denali only had two friends and she loved them more than anything but now she couldn't imagine her life without Gigi and Mik.  She was also friendly with Crystal, Symone and even Kandy thanks to Mik.

"Let me guess," Crystal said pretending to think thoughtfully. "Rosé?"

"How'd you know?" Denali joked. When Denali had first starting hanging out with the group she had been under the impression that Crystal wasn't her biggest fan but after spending more time with Gigi, Denali had realized that Crystal didn't dislike her, she was just off because of her fights with Gigi.

"So how have the two of you been, is it official yet?"

"Not yet, but I'm hoping we will be soon. I just don't really know if Rosé 'does relationships', you know?" Denali sighed, it had been something that had been stressing her out for a little bit.

"If you like her and want to be with her you should just tell her" Crystal said solemnly. Denali shifted a little uncomfortably. She knew that Crystal was referring to Gigi. The two girls had been doing some secret friends with benefits thing and it had kinda blown up a few weeks ago.

"You can still tell her?" Denali suggested quietly almost like a question.

"There's no point, she hates me now" Crystal replied. 

"I don't think she hates you-" Denali was cut off by a look given to her from Crystal.

"Are you sure about that?" Denali had to admit there was some truth to Crystal's statement. Gigi wasn't exactly happy with Crystal at the moment but she didn't think she hated her. 

"I don't think she hates you, but she did walk in on you with another girl so maybe give her some time?"

"We weren't even together, I didn't even think she liked me like that or I wouldn't have done anything with Yvie."

"I know just-"

"Care to share whatever is more important than my lesson girls" Denali was cut off by Ms. Zahara Benet.

"No mam'" she replied.

"Then pay attention"

'We'll talk later' Crystal mouthed to her and Denali nodded showing she understood.

After the bell rang Denali waited for Crystal so that they could walk to lunch together.

"You can go without me, I think I'm gonna eat with Scarlett today." Crystal said looking down. Denali nodded, "Ok then, I'll see you tonight at the party?" "Yeah, I'll be there."

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