February 9, 2000 II

578 10 2

Just to clarify, this isn't no fucking bet. I don't have shit to prove to Ruben. Just know that if it were a bet, I would have no trouble winning. 

Nothing I haven't done before.

I made my way outside the shop, I was thinking about going to ZaZa's but I figured it'd be weird if I went in there just for Lyciana, and best believe I wasn't going to sit with her and Estee. I would never hear the end of that. My body swayed along with my skateboard, the direction dependent on how I shifted my weight. I decided to stop by Mini Metro, which happened to be my favorite convenience store, regardless of what the owner thought of me. I made his life harder throughout the years. I think I've hit on his wife or daughter once, shit, knowing me, probably both. I feel bad about it now, he's a nice guy when he's not aggravated.

I cruised up to the door of the store, stumbling a bit as I got off the board, it was an aggressive stop. I walked in, adjusting my hat so I looked less like a bum. I swerved my eyes to the register, hoping the shopkeeper was there.

I nod my head in acknowledgement. "How's it going today Ali?"

Ali looked up at me, shook his head and continued counting the money from the register. I chuckled, reminding myself that whatever he thought of me didn't entirely matter, I was probably one of his most loyal customers, consumption wise. Shit, well, maybe not for the past two months. 

I walked to the back of the store, picking up a pack of Airheads, I hadn't had candy in a minute, and this was probably my favorite. Ruben would always joke around calling me an airhead, shit, I would probably argue and say that name qualifies more toward Fourth Grade. I almost went up to pay, before I realized I wanted a soda: Pepsi. Here's the thing with the Pepsi vs. Coke situation, I used to be hella bias, and only drank Coke when it came to cola and shit like that, but Stevie accidentally bought me Pepsi, and ever since then, my life has changed. That shit is fucking amazing. It's just so sweet, and something about it can't compare to fucking Coke.

"$3.79," Ali sighs.

I slide him a 5 dollar bill. "Keep the change," I say.

I walk out the store, trying to figure out what my next destination would be.

"I know you're fucking lying," a voice says behind me.

Fuck, shit.

Raquel, I had a fling with her for almost 2 years after we graduated. We never officially dated, at least I wouldn't say so. You know, I would never call her my girlfriend, and because of that, I never thought it was wrong to be with other girls while being with her. I hadn't seen her in a while either, we broke it off around June, she ended up moving to Santa Barbara because she transferred colleges. As much as I won't "claim" her, I really did like her, you know? She was special. I loved spending time with her, she was fine, funny; fuck, basically everything a nigga could ask for. But it just wasn't enough for me to stay loyal. I don't know, I'm a mess when it comes to relationship shit.

"Shit, Raq," I say, holding my hand out, expecting her to dap me up. "It's been a minute, huh?"

"Nigga, I'm not about to dap you up. Fuck you think this is?"

Just as I was about to reply, two other people step out of the store that Raquel came out of.

Lyciana grabs Raq's shoulder. "Damn Raq, can you slow down!" She looks up at me, and back at Raquelle. "Wait, y'all know each other? Cool."

Estee looks at the two of us, knowing our history and crosses her arms. "They know each other alright," she says, shaking her head.

"Really well."

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