February 4, 2000

880 21 33

My eyes opened slowly, taking in the beams emitting from the sun. They were a little too bright for my liking, but it got me thinking that today would be a good ass day.

I turned to my nightstand and turned the radio up.

How y'all doing? It's 12:04 on this beautiful Friday and we're gonna get this afternoon started with—

Fuck, is there a day where I'll ever wake up early? I sat on the side of my bed, hands in my face and just sat there for a couple minutes, just thinking, not really about anything in particular.

"Honey? Your friends are here!" A voice yells from downstairs.

Before I could even respond, I hear a bunch of footsteps coming up the stairs.

The door flies open. "What's good nigga—"

"Woah, what happened to your room?" Ray says, observing the scene.

"I wish I knew."

Ruben jumps onto the beanbag chair in the corner of the room, with Fourth Grade leaning on the wall.

"Where's Sunburn?" I ask.

"His mom's bugging," Ruben says.

"What's new."

"Anyways, we're kicking it tonight," Ruben says, slapping his hands.

"Let's hear your plan 'lil man," Ray replies, crossing his arms.

"Okay, listen," Ruben starts, sitting up and eyeing each of us. "This guy I know is having a hotel party tonight in Hollywood. I think y'all already know what we boutta do."

"Hollywood? Who is this guy?" Fourth Grade asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Wait, you niggas gotta slow down. What about Fuckshit?" Ray interrupts.

I laid sprawled onto the bed in silence.

Ruben cocks his head. "What about Fuckshit?"

"I don't know if going to a party is the smartest thing to do for me right now—"

"Aw come on, don't be a party pooper. You know parties aren't the same without you there."

Ray shakes his head. "He's gotta do what's best for him man."

"You've gotta admit he's right," Fourth Grade shrugs.

"You guys are so lame," Ruben says, deflating back down onto the chair.

"It's up to you man," Fourth Grade says, looking at me.

It was up to me. I've missed out on a lot of things while I've been gone and I haven't hung out with my niggas in so long. But realistically, a fucking party? That's what really fucked me up in the first place. I mean, I didn't have to take anything there but it would be hard. Maybe a challenge is what I need though. Right?

"I'll go."

They all turned to look at me, with different looks. I know Ray was disappointed in me just by his eyes, but maybe this could help with practicing to avoiding temptations or whatever.

"Yes! Don't worry, I'll babysit him," Ruben exclaims, jumping up.

Ray shakes his head. "I trust you to make the right choices tonight man."

"Ray, tell your girl to bring her friends. Maybe it'll distract him," Ruben says. "I'm serious."

Hollywood, land of dreams and shit. You either hate it, or you love it. But fuck, being here when it's light out is one thing, but to look at the stars at night and see all the multicolored lights glaring in the sky is another. The huge fucking buildings, towering up above you, begging you to recognize their existence.

As the car slows down, I look to see where we are. "Oh shit, the Roosevelt?"

"Yeah, this guy's loaded."

"So who is it?" Fourth Grade asks again.

"I mean, I don't know him like that, but he's my cousin's friend. I think he's in college, name's Casper." Ruben says, shrugging.

"Aight, I'mma get Valet, I'll meet you guys up there," Ray nods to us.

Ruben leads us inside, checking a note he pulls out from his pocket, detailing the information of the party.

The elevator rises to the top floor, and we let Ruben knock on the door. I can imagine Casper took a look into the peephole, making sure that we weren't anyone of authority. A few seconds later, the door flies open, and this guy who was a couple inches taller than me welcomes us in, drink in hand.

"Ruben!" The guy says, giving him a noogie. "You made it!"

Ruben pulls away, furrowing his eyebrows. "Yeah."

"I'm Casper," he says, vigorously shaking each of our hands. "Shit, don't just stand there. Enjoy the fucking party!"

Once Casper moved away from the door, we could finally see what we were working with, and let me tell you, it's not what I was imagining. I've been to a lot of fucking parties, I've seen everything and I'm never at a loss for words, but tonight was different. The red LED lights controlled the aura of the party.

Sin and lust, two of my favorite things.

The music was blaring, you know how you can feel music vibrating through your body and to your heart? Imagine that but times 10. My eyes scanned the room, trying to take in everything, but it was just too much. In one corner, there were people trying to dance on glass tables, a couple basically fucking on a pool table. There were drugs everywhere. I see a kid no older than 17 sniffing coke at the bar, letting it take his innocence. I just didn't know what to look at, I was overwhelmed, and I really never am.

"This is fucking crazy," Ruben says, looking around in awe.

"No fucking shit," Fourth Grade says, taking his camera out of his bag.

"Fuckshit? You good?" Ray asks, noticing that I haven't said a word.

"For sure," I say, shaking my head.

"Well, I called Lenae, I think your girl might be here too," he says, nudging me.

"She's not my girl," I laugh.

"Right. Shit, there she is," Ray exclaims, pushing me forward.

I looked to see where she was, not spotting her at first. My eyes wandered to someone on the couch, and it was her. I made my way there and plopped myself down next to her.


"Hey," she says, taking a hit from a joint.

I look down. "I didn't know you'd be here."

"Me neither," Lyciana turns toward me, holding out the joint. "You want a hit?"

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