You Temporarily Lose A Sense

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(You're older in this chapter)

Hades: Sight

Hades loved every minute of you being blind, now you had to depend on him for literally everything.

"Dad, please, I can do this myself." You said knowing you were blushing red as Hades bathed you.

"Do you have any idea how many people drown in their bathtubs or slip on the floor and crack their heads open?" Hades asks you. "I'm not gonna risk that happening to you."

"But this is embarrassing." You whined.

"Kid, I'm in my thousands, seeing a girl without her clothes is nothing I haven't seen before, besides I'm your dad, you shouldn't be embarrassed."

"So you wouldn't be embarrassed if I saw you without your clothes?" You snapped.

"Geez, being blind made you cranky." Hades said before you felt him shove something in your mouth.

You spit it out. "What the heck was that?" You asked.

"A sucker." He replied.

"No it wasn't, it didn't taste like anything."

"Not the candy kind babe."


Horned King: Voice

You stood next to the Horned King's throne as he sat sipping his wine. No one found it unusual. You never really talk to the guards so no one noticed besides the king.

Later when it got late you headed for your room.


You stopped as you heard his voice and slowly turned around.

"You haven't said a word all day." The king said as he walks to you. "Has someone hurt you? You know I'd destroy anyone who would, you just need to tell me."

You shook your head.

"Words Y/n."

You shook your head again and tapped your throat gently.

The horned king raised his brow confused. "You can not speak?"

You nodded.

The horned king made a small humming sound. "I've heard this can happen to humans sometimes, when you can speak again I want your first word to be father is that clear?" He asked as he grabbed your chin in his hand.

You gulped but nodded.

"Let's go to the kitchen and see if the cooks know of anything that can help your throat." He said as he took your hand and lead you to the kitchen.

Dr. Facilier: Taste

"You'll be the healthiest child in town if you keep this up." Facilier smiled as he piled your plate high with vegetables.

You shrugged your shoulders. "No point in wasting food I really like if I can't taste it."

"I'm so proud of you, sugar can cause health problems and rot your teeth." Facilier praised you.

"You're not gonna eat any of my favorite foods in front of me are you?" You asked.

"Of course not dear." Facilier nervously smiled since he had a pizza box hiding in his room.

Scar: Hearing

The hyenas cried when they found out you can't hear. They love when you laugh at their jokes but now you can't hear them. Scar rolled his eyes as he took you home. Scar kept you by his side more than usual since you can't hear, you couldn't do anything more than two feet from him. He was worried that if something was charging you you wouldn't hear and get hurt. If he felt you were getting too far from him he grabs your tail and pulls you back to him.

Possessive Disney Villians x Child ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now