Chapter 5

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Okay, before you start reading, i would first of all like to say, i am so sorry for not updating this story in a while and thank you for your pateience. And second of all, i hope this makes sense, cause its been a while since i have acctually worked on this story at all so please excuss any confusing detail and such. ANd third, just a heads up, this story is going to start to move a little quick as i don't want this to be a long chapter book with like 70 chapters, so i will try to make the chapters go on for a bit more and make them longer, and in the next Chapter is when things will FINALLY get interesting for once. I know this has been boring so far but it was needed to make sure that it seemed sudden when Capt would be called in again, so the Next chappie is when everything goes down like who the villans are, and yes, there will be MORE THAN ONE in this story as i need to introduce some of them as we go along for reasons. Please comment, Vote and fan!


Steve awoke bright and early. He was leaving for london today to deliver this package to Taylor, Peggys granddaughter. Steve ahd to admit it was pretty awkward to see peggy again, except way older and wrikly, and that she has a grandaughter, which means she must have gotten married. Steve got out of his bed and went to take a quick shower before leaving. As he turned on the water to a refreashing warm feeling, he though about all the things that he saw and had happened in Germany. He undressed and stepped in the shower, letting the warm water hit his body as he scrubed his hair with soap. He wondered who that Kyler girl was, she seemed......different. Not in a bad way but, odd, like she was nervous when she saw Steve. He ignored this thought and focused on going to deliver this package to Taylor in London. He got out of the shower and dryed himself. He put on some new clothes and in about twenty minutes, he left the hotel and was on his way to the airport. He walked the whole way there as there were no taxi's out. He looked up and reconzied the airport logo, it was in german but he reconized the colors and the airplane on it. he sighed and stepped foot into the airport....


London was a long flight, there was and odd storm warning that made them take five hours longer than expected. But he was in his hotel room, all set up. All he needed to do was to deliver this package to Taylor and that would be that, then he could finish touring London and the world. He took the package in his arms and left the hotel. He looked around with a bit of relife at there was some English words here. He walked down a street in search for a coffe shop. He honestly forgot the directions to get to the coffee shop but, in steve's mind, how many could there be? All he's have to do is look for one on this street and things would be good. Steve had only gotten two hours of sleep so his thinking wasn't too bright or sharp. He walked past a gas station and stopped. He saw a beautiful red convertable parked outside the shop next to an old pick up truck with rust and such convering it with most of its ugly green paint chipped off. His stomach grumbled with hunger as he hadn't eaten in a few days. He decided to take a detour off his course and go buy something at the gas station. He stepped in to see a beautiful girl, with long blond hair and deep sea blue eye with a red headband in her hair. She was looking at small little candy bars in a few isles up ahead. Steve noticed that only himself, the girl and some clerk were the only ones in the store. He walked down a few isles and couldn't decided on what to chose. He tried to ignore the girl and stay focused on what to buy. Meanwhile, the girl, saw him when he had walked in and breifly looked down as to seem like she didn't notice him. She glanced back at him as he was looking at candy bars and such. She smiled as she looked at her phone and then back at Steve. He picked something out and walked to the check out. The girl wanted him to notice her so she picked up a few things and then began walking to the check out herself. She 'Tripped' and all the stuff flew out of her hands and she hit the ground. Steve turned around and looked at her. He ran over to help her up. She smiled at him picking herself up and handing her all the stuff she dropped.

Darkest shade of Blue(A Captain America Fan Fiction) *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now