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Awsten liked doing things that shocked people. He liked taking things too far. So when he went live on Instagram to leak Lowkey as Hell, he used a pair of kitchen scissors and cut off what remained of his green hair in his most dramatic livestream yet.

His phone was literally hot from how many notifications he was getting. Twitter was in full meltdown mode and his friends that had either watched the stream or saw the screaming on Twitter were blowing up his messages demanding answers.

"I'm actually so sad the green hair is gone," Jessa said idly from Awsten's couch.

"I kinda am, too. I liked the green," Awsten admitted and then stood up, leaving his mess on the desk in favor of going to sit down beside Jessa on the couch. He leaned over her, pulling the book down away from her so he could kiss her.

"You're gonna be late for the photoshoot and Jawn is going to have kittens," Jessa told him sweetly.

"Jawn can eat my ass," Awsten said just as sweetly and kissed her again, deeper this time.

"What a romantic thing to say before you kiss me." Jessa pushed his shoulders softly and he leaned back with a smile. "Go. You're gonna be late."

"I'm going, I'm going." Awsten stood up and then looked down at Jess. "By the way, I've been writing you a song. Two songs, actually. I'm gonna put them on Greatest Hits."

"Is that really what you're gonna call this album? That's so on the nose for you, Aws, and that's saying something," Jessa said, completely missing what he'd just said to her which made him smile.

"I like on the nose. It keeps everyone surprised."

"Wait a second. You're writing me a song? More than one song? Two songs?" Jessa gasped and then sat up, staring up at Awsten. "I wanna hear them! Right now!"

Awsten shrugged. "Can't. I'm late for a photoshoot. Maybe tonight," he said airily. "Or maybe wait until the album comes out." Jessa whipped the couch pillow at him so fast that he couldn't dance out of range of it this time, letting it hit him in the chest, which made him laugh. "You're so violent, Jessie."

"I hate you," she said playfully and then shook her head. "Get out of here."

It was hours later when he came home and Jessa was all ready in bed. She stirred slightly when the bed shifted from Awsten getting into it to lay beside her.

"I really tried to stay awake," Jessa said softly, sleepily.

"It's okay. I got home late," Awsten whispered into her hair, pressing his lips against the part in her hair. "Go to sleep. We'll talk in the morning."

"I want to hear the songs, Aws."

He smiled. "Tomorrow, okay? It's late."

"I'm awake now. I want to hear the songs. Please?" The single blue eye looking at him from how she was positioned on her pillow made her look even more cute and pleading.

"Okay, fine. I have them on my phone." Awsten reached over her body to grab his phone from the nightstand beside the bed as Jessa got comfortable against him to listen.

The first song he played sounded like it should be played during a young adult romance movie during a school dance or something. It sounded like something you could easily slow dance to.

"I got some Fruit by the Foot if you wanna come over..."

It was the sweetest lyrics she'd ever heard in her entire life. He wrote some very soft, very sweet romantic lyrics for Ciara before, but they were nothing like this. It felt less obsessive, and more romantic.

"I would slow dance to that one," Jessa said when the song ended.

"The reason I have it sounding like that is because I was thinking about dancing with you at Andrew's wedding. I don't know how to dance, but you never made me feel stupid for that. So I wanted to write a song that we could slow dance to, because I liked dancing with you."

Jessa blushed and leaned up to kiss him. "What are you gonna call it?"

"Fruit Roll Ups."

She wrinkled her nose slightly and looked up at him. "But you don't mention fruit roll ups even once in that song."

Awsten rolled his eyes. "You sound like Travis," he complained and then smiled. "You want to hear the second one?"

"I really do."

"Okay. This time, I want you to close your eyes and just listen. Can you do that for me?" he asked her, smiling again with she blushed. God, she was beautiful.

Jessa closed her eyes and then snuggled in close against his chest as he pressed play to start the song. This one was much different, filled with the beautiful sounds of violins and harps, like a symphony.

The words were just as sweet, but they were tinged with just a bit of sadness. It sounded like a love letter, written for someone in the future. He'd said it was also written for her, which meant he was writing to her in the future.

"I love you, Awsten," she whispered.

"I love you, too, Jessie," he said and pressed his lips to her cheek, singing softly against her ear. "And all I think about is where you might be. And when I'm swallowed down, I'll say it's for you, yeah yeah yeah. I'll say it's for you, yeah yeah yeah..."




author's note𑁋

yeah. i can't do anything halfway. alli asked someone to write a fake dating/friends to lovers cliche as fuck corny as fuck soft as fuck thing so she could read it and simping never sleeps so i wrote her a literal whole ass short story.

if you're alli, i love you. i hope this satisfied you. if you're not alli, you shouldn't have read the story bc it wasn't for you, but if alli says its okay, then that's fine. i hope you liked it, too!

i love y'all so much. stream greatest hits. unfollow awsten on twitter. stan alli. okay bye.

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