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"I don't hate it there, honestly, Daph," Jessa said as she walked the glasses of lemonade from the kitchen to the living room where Daphne stood with her hands on her hips, squinting at the painting she had put up on the wall.

"I don't either, I think," Daphne responded and gratefully took the glass when Jess offered it. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Jessa beamed at her friend.

Daphne took a large gulp of the lemonade and then turned to Jessa. "Okay, show me the dress options again."

Before either girl could move, the front door of Jessa's apartment opened and Awsten strolled in with a big smile on his face. His hair looked very recently re-dyed green and the scruff on his face told Jess that he'd been working hard instead of bothering much with his appearance. Thank God. She loved the beard.

"Oh hey, Awsten," Daphne said warmly.

"Hey!" Awsten beamed at her and gave her a quick hug before pulling Jessa into his chest. "I need you for something really important," he told her.

"Hello, Aws," Jessa said, her voice muffled slightly from the way he had her held against him. "I'm not going back to IKEA with you. I refuse. You're going by yourself. I don't care if you throw yourself on the ground and scream like you did last time."

"Why do I feel like that's exactly what happened?" Daphne said idly and Awsten threw an irritated look at her from over Jessa's head.

"It's not about IKEA this time. It's about Andrew's wedding." Awsten grinned down at Jessa's confused look and he finally released her from his arms. "I need your help."

"Andrew's wedding is actually the reason that Daph is here. We're picking my dress right now," Jess said with a smile. "Do you want some lemonade?"

Awsten groaned dramatically. "No! Pay attention!" It made Jessa laugh and Awsten lost his train of thought for a minute just listening to her laughter. "This is really serious. My mom wants to set me up with her friend's daughter for the wedding and I'd literally rather die than do that. I need you to be my plus one for the wedding."

Daphne choked on her drink at the question and Jessa knew her entire face was beat red. Ginny Knight, the wonderful, kind, sweet woman that she was, was also known for her ability to meddle to a degree that would make middle school girls embarrassed. It didn't surprise Jessa that she was trying to set Awsten up with a girl. She had tried to do it when they were in high school, too.

"So who's the girl?" Jessa asked, instead of instantly agreeing to Awsten's request.

Awsten frowned. "It's Gianna Dupree."

Jessa was extremely aware of Gianna Dupree. Her family lived at the end of Awsten's parents' street. They were friendly with each other, and Jessa knew that Awsten and Gianna rode the bus together in school. Gianna Dupree was also extremely beautiful and so kind.

It bothered her that she felt so upset that Awsten's mom wanted to set Gianna and Awsten up but she didn't understand why.

"Oh. Well. Uhm." Jessa struggled to speak. "Gianna is very..."

"She is," Awsten agreed, watching her. "I just don't feel that way about her. And I'd rather go to the wedding with you. If you'll come with me."

Jessa didn't know what to say to that, so she just nodded. "Of course I'll go, Aws. Of course I'll go with you."

"Really?" Awsten's whole face brightened and he lifted Jessa up and swung her around once. "You're a lifesaver, Jessie! I gotta run now, but don't wear anything that'll clash with my hair or I'll die! I love you!"

"You, too!" Jess called back and Awsten slipped out the front door in a whirlwind of energy like usual.

"You love him," Daphne accused, coming out from her hiding place in Jessa's room, a sweet smile on her face.

"Of course I love him, Daph. He's my best friend," Jessa said easily, her face burning.

"No. You don't love him in the friend way. You love him like I love Jawn. You're in love with him."

Jessa shook her head. "No. He's just my friend."

Daphne smiled knowingly and it made Jessa's skin prickle as the urge to lie again bubbled up in her throat. She couldn't keep insisting because it made her look guilty as hell. She couldn't be in love with Awsten. He was Awsten.

"So we definitely need to settle on your dress. And it can't clash with Awsten's hair," Daphne said instead of what she wanted to say and both girls walked into Jessie's bedroom to look at the options again.

Jessie frowned. "Do you think Gianna will be at the wedding?" she asked quietly, after a few moments of amiable silence between them.

Daphne tried not to smile or accuse Jessie of being in love with Awsten again.

"Probably, if Ginny was trying to set them up," Daphne said casually and pretended not to notice the way Jessa's face crumbled slightly.

"She's really beautiful," Jessa said, a bit more quietly.

Daphne turned and fully smiled. She took her friend's hand and squeezed. "So are you. And you are going to look absolutely stunning for this wedding. I'll make sure of it."

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