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Jessa hated tour normally. It was sad seeing her friends go away and not be able to hang out whenever she wanted them to. But this tour, like the entirety of this circuit, was so important. Fandom had really taken off and, while Jessa was absolutely so proud of her friends, she couldn't help but feel a little jealous in the strangest way.

Getting Awsten's attention was a lot harder these days. Not that he was doing anything wrong, of course. But he was called away to deal with a lot more stuff than he ever had before and it was a bit bizarre to see him so busy. He made sure to make up for anything that had to be cancelled or cut short at the last minute, but it was still hard.

"I wish you didn't have to go today," Jessa said quietly from Awsten's right side.

They were sitting together on his couch in his apartment, his suitcases piled by the door, ready to go as soon as Uber arrived.

"I'll be home before you know it," Awsten told her, but it felt like a flimsy statement. He wished he didn't have to go, too. He wanted to spend every single second with her; touching her, kissing her, holding her hand, making her blush, making her moan. God.

"I'm glad you're taking De'Wayne with you. He loves you so much," Jessa said and scooted closer to Awsten, tucking her head onto his shoulder comfortably.

Awsten hated the incredible scent of her vanilla shampoo and how her sweet scent would be burned into his brain the entire time he was gone until he could smell her again.

"I love him, too. He's the best." Awsten tucked his chin over her head, rubbing the top of her hand with his calloused thumb.

It was quiet between them again until Jessa spoke a few moments later.

"I want to pretend again," she said quietly.

Awsten's whole body froze. "You do?"


In one fluid motion, she sat up and threw her leg across his lap, sliding in to straddle him. Awsten was a very polite man. He used his turn signals, drove the speed limit, and opened doors for every woman in his life. He felt very impolite placing his hands on Jessa's thighs when she bent down to kiss him, even though the sound that came out of her when he squeezed made him want to cancel the entire tour to just be in bed with her for a month straight.

He was a man possessed. He couldn't get enough of her. Every single time she would pull away from air, he would reach up and hold the back of her head, dragging her back to his mouth as if he were dying and needed mouth to mouth.

She scorched fire down his throat and through his insides as her tongue scraped the jagged edges of his teeth and his arms bear hugged her middle, pulling her flush against his body. He was losing his grip on politeness when she moved her mouth from his, latching onto his neck.

"Jesus, fuck," Awsten groaned when Jessa bit him, hard. "Don't leave a mark, Jessie. Fuck."

The giggle that came from her was anything but innocent. He was losing his grip faster. His phone ringing sent them apart like they were teenagers getting caught by their parents. The mark on his neck was tingling from the blood rushing to that one spot.

"Hello?" Awsten answered his phone and ignored Jessa giggling at how rough his voice sounded from them fooling around. He listened for a moment, made a noise of agreement, and then hung up. "My Uber is here."

"Nice bruise," Jessa said with a little smile that made Awsten want to kiss it off of her mouth. "I hope you get made fun of all tour."

He leaned down to her level again, bracing his hands on the couch on either side of her, and kissed her again, warm and soft. It took her breath away at how they could be so spicy and then turn around and be so soft.

"I'll call you when I land, okay?" he said against her lips and felt her smile.

"Don't forget."


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