Chapter Fifteen

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When we finish dressing our wounds (and I only say our because Gale fussed at me about the few scrapes I got on my hands while clawing at the earth until I let him dress them), we happily found our fishing lines full of food and worked on cleaning and gutting our dinner.

"We have to be careful with the flames," Gale cautioned me, "Haymitch said the Capitol will be searching hardest tonight. In a day or two, they should get the DNA confirmation from the bodies." I nod to show I understand. "It means we'll have to put it out at dark." Great, I think. Winter's on its way out, but the nights are still cold.

"Where did they get the bodies?" I can't help but wonder as I turn our fish over the coals.

"No idea," Gale admits, shaking his head. "I didn't want to ask. They were hidden in a compartment in the elevator floor."

"And the DNA?"

"Haymitch took some of my hair and blood. I don't know what they did about you." But I remember my prep team trimming me and cleaning my wounds just a few days before. Cinna had an abundant supply of Katniss DNA.

"Wow." I say, still trying to wrap my head around it all. "That's quite an elaborate plan."

"Yeah," Gale agrees. "I thought that it was some kind of drunken hallucination of Haymitch's when he first told me about it. He had to repeat it to me about four times before I'd believe him. Then I made him go through it one or two times more, just for fun." The grin on Gale's lips stirs one in mine. I can exactly imagine Haymitch, eyes narrowed in frustration, teetering slightly, scrounging all the patience he can muster to humor Gale in repeating himself again.

"How long did you know about the plan?" I'm not trying to place blame, I'm just curious.

"For two days."

"And you said yes that quickly? You didn't hesitate or have any reservations?"

"It had to happen, and it had to happen soon. Haymitch was quite certain that you were going to get yourself into a lot of trouble soon…" Our eyes lock and we smile. We both know it is true.

"I can't imagine making that decision so quickly."

"I know," he says between a mouthful of fish, "that's why we didn't ask you…"

"Ha ha," I know he's teasing. "Seriously, Gale, why did you do it?"

He looks at me like it's the most obvious answer in the world, but I'm still searching his eyes for a clue. "Jeez, Catnip, somebody had to take care of you out here. And your choices were pretty much either me or Haymitch. I'm not cruel enough to leave you with him…"

I laugh thinking of what it'd be like to be with Haymitch out here. "Oh yeah, I guess I owe you a favor for that one."

"I'll have to remember that…" He says, thinking of something distant.

"Did you…" I pause to consider my question, "did you get to say good bye to your family?"

"No," Gale shakes his head. I know this upsets him, but he's locked away his pain. "The Capitol will undoubtedly question them. They couldn't know the truth and lie for us. If the Capitol suspected them of lying…" He doesn't have to say the horrible things they'd do. My mother and Hazelle's grief will be very convincing because, to them, it's real. I can hardly bare to think of it.

"Will they ever tell them? Tell them it was all a lie?" I try not to let my voice break as I ask this.

"Of course they will," Gale leans towards me as he says this, "when it's safe." I look into his eyes and can see him willing this to be true, for my sake. But he doesn't really know for sure. I don't let him know I can sense his doubt.

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