Chapter Twelve

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Vivica is tapping her nails, or rather talons, impatiently as we descend the stairs. She seems to hate everyone in the room except for Gale. Cinna squeezes her arm fondly and they exchange brief kisses as she tells him to go wait with Homer and Portia in the dining room. They must have arrived while we were upstairs. I remember what he told me about her, but don't get it. She seems like a witch to me. Vivica gives Haymitch another list of instruction, and I hear him nearly belch "thanks, sweetheart," in her face. She fans the air in front of her wrinkled nose and mumbles something under her breath about disgusting district people. I knew I didn't like her. Haymitch, my mom, sister, and Gale are led into the front room and its doors are drawn shut. I sit nervously next to Cinna who gives me a supportive stare.

We are positioned to the side of the room and a makeshift runway is put in the center. The models will show of ten new pieces and the cameras are positioned to capture not only them but also the stylists' reactions. They do a couple takes of Vivica reading the introduction (she is apparently the host/commentator as well as the director.) And Cinna tells me she'll be interviewing the stylists for their opinions after the fashion show. When she's satisfied with her take and is confident the cameramen know what they are supposed to do, she goes to do the interviews in the next room. Haymitch was apparently going through a practice run with them, and she'll do the real thing. Now that she's gone, Haymitch comes in to watch us. He tells me not to try and look so bored.

I hope I didn't look bored because I know I was. They start by filming us from several different angles waving and introducing ourselves. I tried to remind myself of all the hard work Cinna did for me, and thinking of that I'm able to smile. It takes over half an hour for the girls to come out in all ten pieces. I think there were three models, but they looked a lot alike, so I couldn't be certain. When they finish, the other stylists tell me what a wonderful job I've been doing and that I show real promise as a designer. I get up and curtsey, and try to look as enthusiastic as possible before walking out to let them talk about me.

My family, Haymitch and Gale are waiting for me in the kitchen.

"How'd the interviews go?" I survey their faces for clues. My mother nods and Gale shrugs. Prim seems happy to have been on camera. "Are you guys finished?"

"Just about," Haymitch says between swigs. "Vivica can probably do the rest though. You might want to stay pretty in case they want to talk to you some more, but everyone else is free to go." Gale doesn't know what he's supposed to do. I want to have a minute to talk to him. I'm not sure how much he knows about what's going on and feel I need to explain. But before I get the chance, Haymitch suggests they walk back to town together. Gale looks at me, but I don't know what to tell him, so he nods and the two men leave.

My mother makes tea and offers cookies to the camera crew who've finished. I can faintly hear the rest of the interviews going on in the dining room, and it's almost an hour before they come out. Portia and Homer tell me again what an incredible job I did and apologize for having to leave so quickly.

"Don't worry, really," I tell them with a bright smile and fake kisses. Cinna fortunately sticks around for a while longer.

"Want me to help you get that off?" I nod appreciatively and follow him upstairs. "I was talking to Vivica and we were thinking we need to get another bit with you in it. We have so much from Peeta and his family with the paintings, but not so much of you…"

I roll my eyes. "Do I have to talk about the dresses?"

Cinna smiles. He can see how much I don't like this. "That's what Vivica suggested, but I had a different idea. It took work to convince her, but I think the segment will play out nicely."

I pause, waiting for him to tell me what it is, but he doesn't. "Okay," I finally say. "What do I have to do?"

He pulls out a garment bag and places it at the foot of my bed. "Just show up wearing this tomorrow morning at the front of town. I'll be there waiting for you."

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