Chapter Eleven

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I'm not sure if I've gained any perspective from my talk with Gale, but I do feel better. It's so easy to be around him, not stressful like with Peeta.

I try and sort through my thoughts as I walk home. Perhaps I can forgive Peeta for the previous night, or more importantly, I want him to be able to forgive himself. This doesn't change the fact that I'm finished with him. But Gale was right, I have to be careful. The Capitol might be enraptured with my love story, but the rest of Panem, well, they are taken with me. I need to find a way to get back to that girl again. The one who acted out of love for her sister, compassion for Rue, not out of fear of the Capitol.

This new realization emboldens me. I tell myself I'm no longer going to be afraid, that's the Katniss everyone loves, the Katniss I can respect. I walk home happily, with more purpose in my step. I realize that deciding not to be afraid isn't exactly a plan, but it's a step in the right direction. I'll worry about the rest tomorrow.

As I approach the path to Victor's Village, I notice something strange. It takes me a moment to realize, but it suddenly clicks that the lights are on in one of the unoccupied houses. I wonder what could be going on, and trot up to find out.

Numerous people seem to be going in and out, carrying large boxes and supplies. As I get closer, I hear the familiar Capitol accent. Some of the people smile and wave at me. I tentatively wave back. I search their faces to see if I recognize any of them. In the crowd, I see Octavia, a member of my prep team.

"Ohh, Katniss! Hello!" She chips, rushing over to greet me. "Aren't you so excited to see us?"

"Umm, yeah," I stammer, unsure of what else to say, "What are you guys all here?"

She laughs but realizes my expression is genuine. "What, you mean you don't know? Katniss, we're here for your engagement party, of course!"

I drop Octavia's hands, and immediately dash over to Haymitch's house. I burst through his front door, not bothering to knock. I hear his voice in the next room.

"Haymitch!" I bellow. I grab one of his liquor bottles from his table and empty the remaining liquid on the floor.

"Katniss," I vaguely register his voice, "not one of my full bottles…" he laments the wasted booze. Body in sight, I lunge for him, flattening him to the wall. With my one hand, I pin him, applying pressure across his throat, and with the other, I smash the empty body and wield it like a weapon, jagged part about to slice his cheek.

"You did this!" I roar.

"Hey, sweetheart, calm down," he tries to placate me, but I'm not in the mood. I press the bottle harder until a thin red line appears on his face. "Whoa, easy now…"

"Katniss," someone else is behind m and touches my arm. I swing around, nearly slicing off Cinna's nose in the process.

"Hey!" he jumps back, hands up, as if surrendering.

"Are you part of this?" I accuse him. But as I turn my attention to Cinna, Haymitch wrestles my arms. He catches me off guard, and twists my wrist forcefully. I'm surprised at how strong and capable Haymitch is. He must have been quite scary in his prime, if this is him half wasted. I almost yelp, and the pain forces me to drop the bottle. It breaks on the floor. Haymitch doesn't let go. He's telling me who is in charge here. As much as I hate it, I have to submit. "Okay," I tell him. "Okay, okay!" My tone is more pleading this time. Haymitch loosens his grip and kicks the bottle away. He rubs his throat and I can see a red imprint from my arm.

"I've just about had it with you and your little stunts today..." he jabs his finger towards me, accusingly.

"Me? You're blaming me for this?"

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