Chapter Ten

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I keep walking until I can think with words again. I don't know how long I've been going. An hour? Maybe more? I am so angry I don't know I where I am going, but I realize I'm headed towards town. There are too many people there, so I tell me feet to choose someplace else. I follow them away as I continue to fume.

What's the plan, Katniss? I ask myself. What's your next move? Unfortunately, my anger is subsiding, and with it goes my clarity. You need to keep the people you love safe. I think of Prim, but somehow Peeta's image barges in. I don't love Peeta! But I see him crying, doubled over in pain where I left him, swearing he loved me. No, I don't love Peeta the way he wants me to, but that doesn't mean I hate him. Am I being fair to the boy? Am I being cruel? How bad was what he did really? Or did I over react, like Haymitch said? I do honestly believe that Peeta would never intentionally hurt me, and after the nights on the train, all the hours we spent kissing on camera, I suppose I can see how the boy was confused. But that doesn't make up for the fact that he was trying to take advantage of you! My angry voice screams. True, I admit, but isn't that what I've been doing to him all along? My stomach is in knots. I need to figure this all out.

Soon, I found myself near Gale's house. I need to talk to someone, and I hope it can be him. I need help clearing my head, figure out what I'm thinking. Gale always seems to know what I'm thinking better than I do anyhow.

Though I like his mother, I'm not in the mood to exchange pleasantries with Hazelle. I walk around to the back of the house where Gale's room is. I can hear Vick and Posy playing as I circle the small structure. Hazelle chides them and calls to Rory for help. I swing around to Gale's window, and peek in to see if he is there. His room is empty. I can see the bunks that his younger brothers share. They have clothes and toys scattered about, which I know annoys Gale. His bed is neatly made and positioned across from theirs and his few possessions are organized on a hand-made shelf above it. His clothes are draped over a chair in the corner and a book rests open on his night stand. As I wonder what he is reading, Gale enters the room. I am about to jump in when I realize he is only in a towel. He must have just finished a bath, trying to clean off all the coal dust after a long day's work. I think about how jealous most girls would be to see Gale Hawthorne shirtless. He is a remarkably good looking man. Tall, well built, broad shoulders. As he walks over to the chair for his clothes, I realize he is about to dress and that I need to turn away. I quickly spin around and press my back to the side of his house. I wait a few minutes hoping I gave him enough time to change. I peek in the window again. Gale is picking up his brothers' toys and muttering to himself. I see the small dog he made for Vick last Christmas. He'd carved it himself and attached it to wheels. Though he never could get all the wheels even, and the thing only rolled in circles. I remember Gale cursing as he made it. Vick, however, never seemed to mind.

I softly tap on the window. Gale spins around, confused, but smiles when he sees me. He motions me in. I push the glass pane open and hop inside. "Hey, Gale."

"Hi," he responds. I stare at the floor, suddenly aware that I am supposed to say something, and that I have no idea why I'm here or what I'm supposed to say.

"How was your day?" I offer weakly, feeling even stupider than I sound.

Gale's eye brow shoots up quizzically. "Same as every other day. Long."

I suddenly feel a twinge of guilt. Gale must be so tired. He didn't sleep the night before, and after working twelve hours in the mines!

"I'm sorry," I sputter, "You must be so tired. This is really selfish of me. I just needed to talk to someone, I wasn't even thinking. Maybe some other time?" I start walking towards the window, ready to leave when Gale reaches out and grabs my arm.

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