Retro Grade

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Brittany asked Maverine, Duane, Jessy and Jeremy about the retro theme about tonight.

Ashley gives Kyle and Brian a test, and Brittany gives a secret.

Duane gives a bad costume for the '70s, tells Jeremy, Jessy and Maverine about it, and Maverine had correctly saying that it was Burt Reynolds in Smokey and the Bandit. Maverine also asked Duane about his problems before Brian's birth. Maverine also had a jersey of Phil Esposito in which a friend, who passed away, gave it to her.

Ashley told Brian and Kyle that they failed the exam after they incorrectly said they pass.

Later that night, Brian told Maverine, not to wear the nun stuff, but he told her about Phil Esposito jersey.

At the bar, Maverine believes that Jessy wears the officer disguise in CHiPs, and Jeremy wears the Hutch hair from Starsky and Hutch. Brian was wearing a Fran Tarkenton jersey and Ashley found a test tube baby in the vase, in which Louise Brown was born in 1978 and Kyle was wearing a Thurman Munson jersey.

The last child enter the retro party is Brittany, dressed as Wonder Woman.

After originally said about the winners, Maverine gives an automatic disqualification to the guy with no shirt. Which means, Duane is Burt Reynolds and is a the winner, and Brittany is replaced Jeremy by incorrect saying and Duane is still the winner.

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