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Eyes ripped into Mina as she stood, stiff as a board. Eyes wide, mouth agape, and body locked into place by their stares. Her chest stuttered and rattled to a start, heaving breaths taken, making her light-headed. Tears bubbled and blurred her vision, hands shaking as they twitched, arms laying protectively over her chest, tears freely falling.

A long, wilting whine broke through her lips, eyes tearing her apart. "I-I didn-" She tried, chocking a sob. "Bullshit!" Izuku roared, standing up, knocking the chair he was sitting on over, making her choke on a screamed sob. Mina closed her eyes, putting her hands on her ears, sobbing freely, "I-I just wanted to fit in! I wa-wanted to belong!" She screamed, collapsing to her knees, sobbing uselessly as everyone stared at her, horror in their shock-stricken gazes. "I didn't mean to! I wanted to belong! I was sad!" She wailed, unable to look up, uselessly trembling on the ground.

Izuku stood to his full height, glaring at the teen with distaste, towering over her form. He kneeled, wrenching her jaw in his grasp, making her moan in pain, tears leaking down her face as she stared into Izuku's eyes. "Too bad, sweetheart. You broke the deal," Mina screamed, trying to rip her jaw away from Izuku's iron grasp. "No! No! No!" She cried, wailing her anguish, shaking her head. Izuku grinned, pulling out a small recorder, pressing play.

"Do whatever you want to me, for I do not care. But hurt my pair, and well, you can kiss everything you love and your life goodbye," Izuku's cold, monotone voice came through the recorder, choked whimpers dying in the other party's throat. "I don't expose you, and you don't hurt Katsuki, deal?" It was dead silent for a moment on the recording, as well in the hospital room, before Izuku's voice came through again, a growl rumbling in his voice, "See, I don't take nods; I take verbal conformations." A moment later, the traitor's blubbered a weak, choked "D-Deal..." Izuku's voice came through next, seemingly pleased with the responses, "Keep up your end of the deal; I keep up mine. I am a man of my word." before the recording cut.

Mina gurgled a suffering whine, tears running dry. "Oh, you poor, poor thing... You people never do expect a fox..." Izuku chuckled quietly, standing up, Aizawa stepping up, glaring at the girl with quirked eyes. "Is this true? You are the U.A. traitor?" Mia sobbed but nodded, white cloth bindings wrapping around her. She didn't squirm nor try to melt them, sitting there quietly. Izuku slid the recorder from his pocket, stuffing it in Aizawa's pants pocket, getting a slight nod from the man.

"You heard it here," Aizawa spoke loudly as the doors burst open, ten police officers, guns drawn, another slapping quirk canceller cuffs on her. She let herself be dragged up to a standing position, Aizawa walking her out, a cold look in his eyes. "Everyone else is allowed to head back to your dorms. Please do not talk about this on any social media platforms,"

Aizawa spoke, fixing the class with a glare before sliding the door shut, Mina's pitiful whine's growing quieter. Izuku righted his chair, returning to grab Katsuki's hand, running his thumb over it. The class stood there for a moment, some having silent, cold tears running down their faces, some pointing hardened glares to the door Mina was dragged out of. Kirishima whined, looking up to see Kaminari's heartbroken expression. It was time.

The dog sat on his haunches, paws up in the air as he closed his eyes, feeling the familiar burn of his body fixing itself, human skeleton forming. He stood up from his crouching position, some staring at him in shock as he enveloped Kaminari in a hug, the blond immediately breaking down in his arms. Kirishima let a few small tears run, kissing Kaminari's head, picking up the sobbing electric blond, giving a short nod to Sero and Izuku, who both nodded back before leaving, long red hair laying flat on his skull, rough hands caressing Kaminari's back.

Jirou was the second one to follow suit, standing up carefully, allowing Yaoyorozu to stare at her in shock before smiling, quietly crying in Jirou's arms. Sero was next, standing two cm shorter than Tenya, letting the man hug him, the two shedding silent tears before leaving, hand in hand, followed by Jirou and Yaoyorozu.

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