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The bus slipped through country roads, overlooking forests and leaving behind cities. Class 1-A chattered and played on their phones, some snoozing away, others playing music. Izuku, who sat on Katsuki's lap, couldn't sit still, looking over Katsuki's shoulder, watching the open skies meld together, wishing to spread his wings.

Katsuki could see Izuku wanted to stretch his wings, if the fluttering of the green dragon's wings meant anything. Katsuki turned, opened the window he sat in front of, the wind swirling and whipping, entering the bus as Izuku nearly threw himself out of the window, gaining surprising shrieks for the passengers.

Izuku trilled, growing larger as he soared, fur whipping and tail thrashing as he twirled and dove in air, sparks of fire boiling in his throat, keeping up with the bus. Izuku looked to be in his element, soaring above the bus, casting a shadow overhead. Everyone watched, captured by the elegant flying of the beast, making soft sounds as they drove.

Izuku continued to glide next to the bus, weaving through the turns, gliding on a thermal with ease, Tokoyami flying under his wing, the two having an idle conversation as Tokoyami kept under his wing, using the air he was creating to stay afloat. As the bus rounded one last corner, two women stood on the shoulder of the road, a small boy standing there too.

Izuku zeroed in on the boy, who had cold eyes, a bright red hat with two gold horns sticking out, spikey black hair similar to Katsuki's, and black high-tops. The bus pulled into the shoulder, stoping as Tokoyami dove, drifting out from under Izuku's wings, perching on Shoji's shoulder as Izuku tucked his wings, falling out of the thermal before tossing open his wings, a large gust of wind slamming against the thick membrane, pushing backward, slowing him down as he landed, standing next to Katsuki, shaking off his fur.

Gravel crunched and ground together under Izuku's paws, claws sinking into the ground below as he blew out a belly of steam, body expelling the heat after flying. Sitting, Izuku's left leg rose and started to scratch carefully at his belly as the Pro heroes introduced themselves with glamour, hero costume skirts ruffling, tails swishing.

The boy, whose name was Kota after he was forced to introduce himself, stood off to the side next to the bus where Aizawa stood, glaring down at the ground, kicking stray gravel here and there. Suddenly, a chill raced down everyone's spines, familiar's furs standing and feather's ruffling as Pixie-Bob crouches, hands glowing as she smirks. "See you on the flip side!" She shouts as the ground beneath them rumbles and falls away.

Izuku reacted quickly, grabbing Katsuki by the shirt, opening his wings, and blasting off in the blink of an eye. Katsuki screeched at the sudden jolt of movement, using Izuku's sturdy jaws to climb up onto the dragon's neck, righting himself as they watched dirt monsters burst out of the earth. Izuku dove, breaking through the canopy, opening his mouth as smoke hissed, embers igniting as 1-A stood back, watching as Izuku scorched two dirt monsters, another smaller one breaking apart with his tail.

Katsuki turned, screaming out, "DEKU AND I HAVE THE FRONT, WATCH YOUR SIDES EXTRAS!" Used to Katsuki's brash nature, the class called back, screaming out their approvals, quickly forming groups, watching the left, right, and back. Izuku stood at the front, tearing through dirt monsters with his claws, unable to use his fire without the risk of burning trees, the same for Todoroki, who used it in crucial moments in short bursts.

Mina flung acid at the monster's feet, corroding the dirt, making it easier for Aoyama to blast it with his navel laser or Iida to rush forward and destroy it with a well-placed kick. Yaoyorozu made easy acid bombs, firing them off with a cannon she had made with her cat; Jirou dancing around the creatures, jacks flinging and blasting the monsters apart with her rapid heartbeats. The class worked in tandem, Katsuki and Izuku making a path, and within an hour before noon, after starting at nine, they were done, some uniforms coated in dirt and debris from other's quirks.

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