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The crowds filed out of the arena, going out to the front of the stadium for the intermission, just before Kirishima fights Zephyr. Crowds of people flooded into the concession stands, some with chibi prints of the familiar's who were in the 1V1 fights on t-shirts, mugs, blankets, and hats.

Other merch had some of the student's signature catchphrases. (The ones with explosions and the words 'DIE' were selling out fast.) Some donned merch of past sports festival winners who were now pro-heroes, having chibi characters of their pro-hero forms or some of their catchphrases. Others were buying snacks to eat (or stress eat) back in the stands. While the lines of concession stands were bustling, Cementoss was fixing the arena, fixing the hairline cracks, and filling in missing spots of cement.

Midnight also ventured up to the teacher lounge in the stadium, refreshing her thirst with a cool drink. Mic and Aizawa were also in the lounge room, along with Yagi. Mic and Yagi were chatting as Aizawa glowered at nothing in the corner, drinking coffee. After another five minutes, the thirty-minute break was up, and it was time to go. Midnight ventured back down to the field, watching people getting seated in their chairs, munching on food, or waving flags around with 'KIRISHIMA' 'IZUKU' 'ZEPHYR' and other familiar friends names on the banners, cheering loudly.

Midnight cleared her throat, waiting for the signal from Mic. A bright flash of yellow in the commentator's booth was her signal as she yelled out, "WHOOO IS READY FOR THE SECOND SEMI-FINAL MATCH?!" The crowd cheered loudly, flags of red with rocky figures and Chibi Kirishima waved along with black flags with Chibi Zephyr, and gusts of wind waved around in the stands.

Whistles and cheers silenced as Mic started to talk once again while Midnight silenced the crowd, raising her flogger-style whip in the air, her handcuffs on her wrists jingles with each movement, one hand on her hip, red nails glimmering in the sunlight. "IN THE RIGHT TUNNEL, WE HAVE ROCKY SUNSHINE DOGGO, KIRISHIMA!!" Mic screamed out, gaining laughs from the crowd as Kirishima trotted out, slightly curved tail wagging, saliva webbing on his canine as he panted. Kirishima hopped up the steps, sitting down as his tail whipped and wagged behind him.

Midnight softly cooed under her breath as she lowered her arm, her flogger-style whip at her hip, looking at the left tunnel. "AND ON THE LEFT, WE HAVE THE BEAUTIFUL STALLION ZEPHYR WHO NEARLY BIT MY HAND OFF!! GIVE IT UPPP!!" Zephyr flipped his head up, trotting out of the tunnel, his hooves slamming on the ground like the beat of drums. Zephyr sent a cold glare up to the commentator box, watching Mic scream and stumble back, hearing the large crash as Mic tripped on something. (air, it was...air)

(shota never let him live it down)

Zephyr stood in his spot, coat shining like smooth pearls in the sun. Kirishima's fur glowed like some sort of sun attractor. He was still sitting, wagging his tail, panting softly as he watched Zephyr stare down at him. Kirishima seemed happy and peaceful, but his eyes held a cold, dark glint. It sent a few chills down Zephyr's spine, the fur on his neck and back stand. Zephyr's eyes darkened with an apathetic coldness, tail flicking behind him. His crisp white-furred ears flicked, hearing the soft click of Kirishima's claws on the concrete as he stood, moving back a bit.

A loud clearing of the throat brought the attention to the fight start was about to start. Midnight clutched her flogger-style whip in her hand, red nails flashing a brighter color in the sun as she raised her arm into the air, the tassels on the whip falling around her fist. "Are you boys ready?!" Midnight called out into the mic, watching Kirishima bark, hopping up on his back legs before falling back to the ground, tail zipping and wagging.

Zephyr snorted; a slight nod of his head indicated he was ready. Midnight smirked, bringing air into her lungs, whip clutched tightly in her fist. "GO!" She screamed, whip cracking in the air as the fight started.

Kirishima VS. Zephyr

Kirishima's roaring bark broke through the winds that started to pick up, hot winds ruffling Kirishima's unruly fur. Red eyes glowed like neon signs in a dark room, saliva twisting and falling off his curled lips into the dangerous winds. His body had an almost red-like glow as the ground rumbled and cried, opening like a portal to hell. Uprooted earth seemed to crawl out of the chasm, mending together before shooting out. Possessed earth barreled towards Zephyr, who had to stumble backwards to miss getting whipped out of the arena by the earth mended together and controlled.

The white stallion let out a short, high-pitched neigh as a whipping piece of earth clipped his back left ankle. Zephyr looked down, hopping and missing the possessed earth, the feeling of it grating on his skin had his face twisting in pain, snorts, and nickers leaving him in frustration. While Zephyr was turned, Kirishima continued to manipulate the earth, saliva webbing through his open jaws; he could feel the winds slowing due to Zephyr's main focus being on something else other than the wind, the rapids of hot wind that roared in the arena like a tornado started to cool and slow down just a bit.

His eyes glow brighter in the still-raging winds as Zephyr's back it towards him, a mistake, trying to buck and dodge the whip-like earth. He'd been pushing Zephyr closer to the edge of the arena, and with his rocky claws, he was undisturbed by the wind trying to push him out of the arena. He had also solidified his bones and skin but kept his fur un-quirked, making him weigh more; instead of his normal 120 lbs, he weighed well over four hundred pounds. Safe to say, he wasn't moving.

His jagged claws rip into the concrete as he watches Zephyr kick his hind legs in frustration, bucking one of the rope-like earth that tried to wrap around the stallion's hindquarters. The earth shattered into thousands of tiny pits, scattering in the whipping winds, Zephyr's frustration rising. His training to keep a cool head went out the window when these- these possessed, annoying as hell, earth ropes erupted!

Kirishima continued to bury his claws into the concrete, carefully so, creeping up on the bucking and aggravated stallion. The stallion threw his head back with a frustrated neigh; Maya blue eyes glowed in annoyance, glaring at the whipping and wriggling earth rope, breaking the ropes into pieces when they got too close - for his comfort - to wrapping around his legs.

He was unaware that the shattered earth swirling in his whirlwind of air was slowly mending back behind him while he was distracted. Strings of saliva bled off of Kirishima's mouth, tongue rolling out to lick his lips, feeling the rocky edge his skin had under his soft fur, eyes narrowed and sharp. The large rope behind him continued to grow, fed by the shattered earth flying in the harsh winds. Kirishima waited for the right moment, watching Zephyr grow aggravated, tossing his head and bucking his strong back legs in irritation.

His hooves clipped the ropes of earth that wriggled around, chipping them before they all suddenly retreated. Zephyr's hooves stomped on the concrete, tail thrashing in irritation before a large shadow overhead erupted. Zephyr looked up, seeing a large earth rope. In a split second, the rope lunged, opening up before covering his entire body, his head, a sliver of his neck, and one hoof was all that could be seen in the levitating orb. Zephry shrieked in anger, trying to thrash only for the earth to squeeze around him.

The winds slowly calmed as Zephyr tried to struggle, breathing heavily. Midnight cleared her throat, nails running through her hair, "ARE YOU ABLE TO MOVE, ZEPHYR?" Midnight called out, getting a snort of irritation from the stallion, who defeatedly, shook his head no. "AND ZEPHYR IS IMMOBILIZED; KIRISHIMA MOVES ONTO THE FINALS!" Midnight screamed, watching the crowd jump from their seats, cheering loudly. Kirishima slowly releases the compacted earth around Zephyr, allowing the stallion to regain his footing.

Zephyr's coat was dusty with dirt, his white coat greying a bit. Zephyr shook his coat, watching the misty dust cloud of dirt shake from his coat, a snort of anger directed at Kirishima before walking off, ears pinned back.

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