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Aizawa panted, worn out as he continued to fight. "Kurogiri," Shigaraki rasped, growling. "Bring out the Nomu," A warp formed at everyone's stopped, looking at the purple bird-like-hulk mix coming through it. "Grab him,"

The Nomu shot out, grabbing Eraser by the arm, slamming him into the concrete; a small crater formed as Shinso watched in horror as his father's face was smashed over and over into the concrete, the sound of his bones snapping was replaying in his mind.

Katsuki jumped into action with a loud die and the large bang of the explosion; he landed on his feet, growling as the smoke cleared, Aizawa laying limp as the create stared at him, with unblinking, cold eyes. Katsuki gaped at the creature; that explosion was enough to tear through giant steel sheets and heavy vault doors!

"Just another NPC! HAH! This thing is meant to kill All Might; who are you to think you can defeat it?!" Shigaraki monologued, grinning as he spoke once again. "Nomu, kill the kid," Shigaraki laughed, the Nomu removing its attention from the nearly passed out teacher under it, focusing on Katsuki. Its hand shot out, grabbing the blond's chest, flinging him into a concrete wall, the crater busting the concrete wall, Katsuki sliding down it, passed out.

Izuku watched in terror as he snapped. Removing himself from the pouch on Katsuki's belt, he grew big. Black smoke hissed, Angry, red eyes glared through the mist, beautiful black feathered wings broke through the smokescreen, the smoke sweeping away. Vanta black talons dug into the concrete below, snarling black teeth with saliva dripping from his jaws as he snarled.

His fur was pitch-black, the scales under it matching in its onyx color. Black smoke swept through his nostrils, standing protectively over Katsuki, a twenty-foot dragon full of rage.

Shocked, Shigaraki, Kurogiri, and the other villains who weren't down for the count stared at the beautiful yet dangerous dragon. The shock gave Uraraka, who had ventured down and waited for the right time to help the teacher, Tsuyu, and Shinso, enough time to float Aizawa and get up the stairs before all hell broke loose.

Sero and Aizawa's familiar followed them as they got to safety, placing Aizawa down. Todoroki, Hagakure, Kaminari, and their familiars had also arrived after beating the villains, taking shelter where the two downed pros were, praying to god that the other non-injured pros Iida went to get would get here soon.

Izuku moved gracefully, quickly whirling around, his tail moved fluidly with his body, starting to walk rapidly to the Nomu who was stood in place, crashing into it as his giant paws slammed the creature down. "Die,"

Izuku snarled, his voice deep and angry; black flames crawled out of his mouth, burning the Nomu's face and brain as it screeched and wiggled, unable to get away from the dragon as it died, its head melted away along with its charred brain. Kurogiri was about to attack him with his warp, but his body felt numb when the dragon talked again.

"Bow, feeble familiar. And stay there,"

Izuku snarled as Kurogiri's body immediately followed the dragon's deadly command, almost as if he wasn't in control of his body; he dropped to the floor, his mist seemed to shrink back to his body, the fog making a body.

Shigaraki looked at Kurogiri, back to the dragon who seemed angry, his throat seemed to glow with heat, slowly walking around to where Katsuki was, protecting the unconscious boy. Shigaraki panicked, trying to figure out what he could do.

Starting to run forward towards the stairs, he was hoping to get to disintegrate someone, but a sturdy and muscular tail rammed into his chest, sending him flying backward, hitting the concrete as he flew backward.

One of the villains familiar, a grim reaper hound, grabbed his shirt, preventing him from being flung further, groaning in pain as he looked up, seeing the black smoke trickle out of the dragon's mouth, an indication he was heating his flames up quickly.

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