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Monster, beast, danger, and so on. It's what I was called when I was forcefully dragged away, chained, and muzzled into a titanium truck and back to our home. In the familiar world, people who come from strong families are treated well. But royal heirs are treated as snobby, bitchy brats. We were outcasted, bullied, and never respected.

Even worse, predatory familiars are seen as feral, dangerous animals. And even worse, I am a dragon familiar. Seen to be the 'most feral of them all.' I've been held down and had a muzzle chained on by herbivore familiars. Those horses and rabbits are assholes, in my opinion.

Claws caps forcefully pushed into my cuticles, heavy, polished metal muzzle only unlocked with a key or being broke off. You could do nothing about it; sometimes, you'd be knocked out and muzzled. You'd wake up bruised and battered and muzzled. You couldn't fight it; you'd be beaten more.

It was horrible, to be honest. Feeling so powerful, yet so powerless. I already stuck out in high school like a sore thumb, being almost 6'4, and still growing, full of scars, and having quite a few piercings of my ears. I looked intimidating, and nobody really messed with me. In middle school, I wasn't the smallest, but I wasn't too tall either.

I was around 5'7 and was honesty easy pickings for their herbivore assholes who think they're higher class, even though we, as predators, are. However, there were powerful herbivores, like Todoroki's entire family full of familiar horses, with fire, ice, and both powers. People with powerful bloodlines have powerful familiars, which in turn, gives them powerful quirks.

Then they get power-hungry...and reproduce, over...and over again. We, as in the familiar god and goddess, stop that after a certain number of extremely powerful people being born into one family, like the Todoroki's, they would have gotten a regular familiar, no high class, rare genetics, or powerful quirk and power, just regular.

If Enji had another child after Shoto, they'd be most likely given a regular horse, with no pureblood genetics or rare coat, and an average power like being able to create a mist or smoke cover, and that'd be it. The gods can't have people running wild and reproducing over and over for stronger familiars.

My family, well, my parents, are powerful people. Of course, I come from a bloodline of dragons that date back to the first few familiars ever, and I have the purest blood out of all of my family, who are all still living...since dragons are basically immortal in our familiar realm.

Of course, nobody escapes death, but it comes slowly or quickly, depending on...ending your life by yourself or not. The crime rate isn't a high thing in the familiar realm, but it's there. Wealthy familiar families often get into bad business and ruin themselves. Like I was talking about before...suicide rates in elderly familiars, and often familiars after their first pair's death commit suicide, is a whopping 39.2%.

It's horrifying watching your pair die...over and over again. I've gone through it, and I'll go through it again with my current pair. And dear lord, do I hope we live a life and grow old together. Well, I can't really grow old, most familiars stop aging at 20-25, but our pairs don't. They age as they grow. But we don't; we simply watch our pairs grow old then die.

Sometimes it's peaceful, and they pass in their sleep, and we wake up in the familiar realm without being able to say goodbye to our best friend, lover, or whatever, ever again. Some people get reincarnated as familiars in extremely rare cases, and they and their old familiar meet, but that's a one in a billion chance of happening.

Or their familiar, or ex familiar has gone off to bond with a new pair, and their old pair is left to become someone else's familiar. But that hardly ever happens, and your left to feel the guilt of not being able to say goodbye for the last time to your lifelong friend, from your pairs standpoint. It's hard, knowing you'll never see them again.

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