Chapter 12

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"Uh, come in." I said as I moved to the side. "I'm sorry, I didn't call. I just thought that if I did, then you wouldn't want me to come." "How did you know where I live?" "I ran into Rosilyn earlier. She gave me your address. Told me I should come see you. And our daughter." "She stopped being your daughter when you decided not to see either of us when you got out!" "Mom? Why are you yelling?" Shit! She walked down the stairs and saw Milos. "Who this mom?" "Uh Jayde, this is Milos, your dad." "My dad?" "Yeah." "I-I need to be anywhere else but here." She grabbed her jacket and left the house. "Where are you going?" "Don't worry I'm just going to Cole's house." "Okay, don't stay out too late." "I won't." She left the house and Milos and I talked. "Why are you here?" "What?" "Why, after 2 years of being free are you here?" "I wanted to see you." "And you come after 2 fucking years!" "I'm sorry! I needed to be away! I had to! I couldn't see you and our daughter the way I was when I got out! I was in living hell in prison! When I came out I wasn't in the right mind set to see either of you." A few tears rolled down my cheeks. He walked closer to me and wiped them away. Then the front door opened. "Cole was at his friends house. So I just came back." Jayde said. "Okay sweetie." She walked over to us and stood next to me. I looked to Milos then back to Jayde. "I think we should all sit down, and talk." Jayde nodded and Milos mouthed 'thank you'. We sat at the kitchen table. Almost immediately Jayde said, "Why did you leave us?" "You think I left you?" "Didn't you?" Milos looked to me and then looked back at Jayde. "I didn't leave you. I promise you that." "Then why weren't you here? I'm 14 years old! And you weren't there for any part of my life!" "Just tell her." I said. "Tell me what?" "Before you were born, I did some bad things. And I had to pay for those things. I was sent to prison for 12 years. When I was released all I wanted to do was see you and your mom. But I knew I would screw things up if I did. It took 2 years, but I want to be here. I understand if that is too much, or is something you don't want but I just want you to know I'm very sorry." Jayde stood up and walked over to Milos. And she hugged him. "I know that we just met, but you're my father. So I hope me hugging you isn't weird." She said as she pulled away. Then there was a knock on the door. I got up and opened it. "Oh, Jake." "Sorry, I just left my jacket." "Oh, I'll grab it. One second." I turned around and grabbed the jacket. I then saw Milos and Jayde walk over. "Who's this?" Jake asked motioning to Milos. "Milos. He uh-uh friend." "Oh okay, well I'm Jake." It was really quiet. "Well I'll see you tomorrow Ember." "Yeah, tomorrow." I closed the door and Milos said, "Who's Jake?" Then Jayde replied, "Mom's boyfriend." "Oh..." "It's getting late sweetie. How about you go get ready for bed." "But I want to talk more to da- My dad." "Okay, well you have school tomorrow and you need to be well rested. We can figure out another day for you to see him." "Fine." She walked over and hugged me. "Goodnight mom." "Night." Then she walked over to Milos. "Goodnight dad." She said as she hugged him. "Night." She went upstairs and got ready for bed. "So you really meant what you said the last time we saw each other?" "What do you mean?" "You said you wanted to be apart of her life." "I really really do." "Thanks for coming. I know Jayde was happy to meet you." "What about you?" "You may not remember. But we have already met." "No, I mean how do you feel about seeing me?" "I'm glad you came." We were both quiet, but then he said, "Ember, I can't hold it in anymore. I know you've moved on. But I still love you. The same way that I have loved you since the day we met. If I could re-do time I wouldn't have left you. I would have spent whatever time I had while free with you. And I'm sorry that I couldn't be there for you and our daughter. And I just hope you know how much I love you. Because if this is the last time I can say it then I want to make sure you kn-" I cut him off by pressing my lips to his. "Wha-What about Jake?" "I can't be with someone I don't love." He pressed his lips to mine again. "I love you too." I said as we pulled apart. The moment was broken from hearing a loud girly squeal. "Jayde I thought u told you to go to bed!" "SORRY!" Milos and I both laughed. "I'll break it off with Jake tomorrow." I hugged Milos tight. I can't believe after 14 years, I am finally in his embrace again. I'm finally back with the person I have loved since I was 16.

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