Chapter 5

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"Mmmm" I moaned. We pulled apart and he looked at me and said, "Are you sure about this? We can stop." I nodded slowly, and then kissed him again. He started to slip off my shirt when there was a knock on my window. It caused me to jump. Milos let out a small laugh and I said, "Shut up!" While shoving him playfully. "Put your shirt on." I said as I rolled my eyes. He slipped his shirt back on, and stayed laying on my bed. I walked over to the window and opened it. It was Rosilyn. She was completely wasted. "Okay honey, time for bed." "Nooooo, I wanna have another drink." She slurred. "Not tonight." Milos looked up and saw how drunk she was. He got off the bed and came over to us. He helped her walk to the bed then laid her down. "You just wanna see me naked." She said with a smile. "No, I don't." Milos said trying not to laugh. After we got Rosilyn situated, Milos said, "I should get going." He climbed out the window and I walked over to him. "Goodnight." He said as he winked. "Night." He pressed his lips to mine once more, before leaving. "Ooooooooooo.... Did you just kiss Milos!?" I laughed then said, "You're dreaming that I kissed Milos. And your dreaming that he was ever here." "I am?" I laughed then said, "Goodnight Rosilyn." "Goodnight milos' face sucker." "Okayyy." I laughed then turned off the light.

(A/n: I forgot to mention that the window is a bay window)

She laid in my bed and I went over to my window. I sat down and put my legs up. I looked out the window and at the stars. The stars lit up the whole sky. And before I knew it, I drifted off to sleep.

*The Next Morning*

I woke up to hearing someone gagging. I ran to the bathroom and saw Rosilyn throwing up. "Why did I get so drunk last night!?" She said. "Awe, I'm sorry." She threw up once more, and then drank some water. Once she was done we sat on my bed. "Do you remember last night? Or were you too drunk?" "I remember quite a bit." "Ohh... Like what?" "Like how I saw you and Milos about to ha-" "Okay! That's enough!" She laughed and then said, "Okay, but seriously...what was that all about?" "I don't know. He got beat up, and he came to me. I helped clean him up and stuff. We had a moment but I brushed it off. Then we sat on my bed and he... Kissed me. And it kinda just went from there." "I ship!" I laughed and playfully rolled my eyes. "I'm going downstairs to get food." "Have fun. I don't think I could eat for another 50 years." She said sarcasticly. I laughed then went downstairs. I saw yet another note. My mom and dad are never home. I honestly don't know why I'm surprised. I made a bowl of cereal, and sat on my counter. Then there was a knock on the door. I set my bowl down and walked to the door. I opened it, and it was Milos. "Hey." I said with a smile. "Hi, is it cool if I come in?" "Yeah." He walked in, and I walked to the kitchen. I sat back on the counter and he stood between my legs. "We need to talk." He said flatly. "Okay, about what?" "Last night." In my head I smiled, but I didn't on the outside. "What about last night?" "Whatever happened, it can't happen again." "What?" "You are cool and all, but I don't like you like that. I don't know why I kissed you last night, or why it nearly went as far as it almost did." "Wait, so you're saying that last night was a mistake!?" "Yeah, I am." "Wow." I rolled my eyes. "What!?!" "Oh nothing." "I-" "Get out of my house." "Are you serious!?" "Yes I'm fucking serious!" He turned around and walked out. Before he made it to the door I said, "You we're right, you are cold and heartless!" I couldn't hold it in, a tear rolled down my cheek. "Ember? What's wrong?" Rosilyn asked as she ran over to me. "M-milos." "I gotta be honest, I heard the whole thing." She hugged me and I said, "Last night, it felt amazing. I felt like nothing was impossible. I felt like I was on cloud nine. I felt like I was-" I stopped. "Was what?" "In love." "I'm so sorry." She said as she hugged me again. "I just don't get it!" She stood there quietly. "What happens when a girl falls in love with a guy who is no good, and has no heart to care for her?!" I asked. "She loves him anyway." A few more tears rolled down my cheeks. As soon as I stopped crying I said, "I no longer want to eat. I've completely lost my appetite." "Why don't we have a movie day." "Sounds good." We went up to my room and grabbed a casse full of movies. Then I grabbed my laptop and we started one of the best movies EVER "Summer Of '84" "You picked the perfect movie! Now we can just sit back and simp over Tommy." I laughed and then said, "Yeah, I mean how can you watch this and not simp over Judah Lewis." "Yeah, he's sooooo hot with back hair!" We both laughed and the movie started. Through out the rest of the day, we watched movies, laughed, and had fun. It's been quite a few hours, Then, there was a knock on my window. WHO COULD IT BE!?!?

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