62 || Game Over, Bitch

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Song: Melanie Martinez - Pacify Her (slowed + reverb)


I wasn't exactly looking forward to going back home.

Sure seeing all my friends and family was great but I would be lying if I said I didn't miss the privacy, comfort and calmness that came with Alessio's penthouse in Miami.

It was just a different atmosphere and now that we were back in LA, we were surrounded with nothing but, business and work.

For starters, we had only gotten in late last night and after finally falling asleep, I was nudged awake a few hours later by Alessio who was already ready and telling me that he had some business to attend to.

I passed out right after hearing the words shipments and contracts and when I had woken up again, it was time for breakfast, where I joined the few men that weren't out working.

Dotn get me wrong, I missed the men, but I could couldn't take the chatter about sexual encounters, blood and gore that they shared amongst each other.

But that didn't necessarily mean that my day was ruined. I didn't let my less than stellar morning get to me. My relatively good mood was still intact due to the fact that I was having an important guest over today.

And by important I mean, important because I was finally going to put them in their place. There was no more tip toeing around Greta or biting my tongue. I was going to unleash hell on that bitch and I was going to enjoy ever second of it.

I was in the kitchen, retelling the details of my Miami trip to Divy when the doorbell rang. "Got it!" I yell as I jump down from the counter and skip towards the front door.

I pull open the door and when I see Greta's familiar mop of blonde hair standing there, my smile widens while hers transforms into a thin line.

"Afternoon, Feta. To what do I owe the pleasure?" I say.

Her eyes narrow but she decides better of speaking as she rolls her eyes and looks past me. "Where's Alessio?"

"Do I look like his keeper?" I offer.

She huffs out and rolls her eyes, yet again. "I don't have time for your little games." She spits but then she straightens out and tilts her chin up. "I have a movie premier to get to and I'm only stopping by because Alessio's personally requested me."

I withhold an eye roll and open the door fully, allowing her some room to enter as I send her a fake smile. "Right this way, then. I'd hate for you to miss your movie premier." I mumble, my fake smile turning into a real one at the thought of what I had in plan.

Oh, she was definitely missing that movie premier.

She walks past me, nudging my shoulder on the way. "Yeah, whatever, just take me to my boyfriend."

I bite my tongue and withhold the urge to clock her in the face. Instead I move past her and lead her up the stairs towards Alessio's personal office.

Greta doesn't even bother to knock, instead she barges right into the office where Alessio's sat behind his desk. He seems to be signing some papers and when he looks up, past Greta, and sends me a subtle nod, I know it's the newly written up contract.

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