53 || Puttana

304K 6.1K 32.7K

Song: Beyoncé ft The Weeknd - 6 Inch (slowed + reverb)


Alessio Galanti was as good as dead.

That motherfucking dickweed.

I can't believe he didn't let me orgasm, and then he left without making me come all the while expecting me to just wait until he got back.

If I wasn't so angry I'd cry.

But, I'd be lying if I said a teeny weeny part of me didn't find it hot. Sure he left but not before hinting that he would be back to reward me, which was why- as desperate as it sounds - I held off on touching myself.

But that didn't stop the sexual frustration.

I was hangry. Horny and angry.

So hangry that I started acting out irrationally. So much so that I changed into a white halter dress - one that was sexy and figure hugging- and I snapped a sexually suggestive picture of myself -one that may have hinted that I wasn't wearing any panties - and sent it to Alessio followed by a simple text.

If you're not gonna make me finish then someone else will.

It was childish and immature but my mind was way too dazed and crazed to care.

Shortly after sending that text, I turned my phone off so that he couldn't track where I was going. I was finally taking this Miami trip by the balls and doing something I wanted.

I was going clubbing.

Granted, it wasn't as easy as it sounded. I had to sneak past the security guards stationed in the lobby by taking the stairs instead of the elevator. I had to climb down thirty flights of stairs- in heels. I had to sneak out through the housekeeping quarters and from there I had to haul a taxi because I couldn't use my phone to get an Uber.

But I made it to the club. Alessio's club.

Only there was one more road block between me and my fun night. A line up. I'm talking over two hundred people standing in line outside of the club.

Yeah, I didn't do lines...

And so I did what I had to. I named dropped Alessio Galanti.

That got me in immediately and although something about the way the men were regarding me told me they were going to inform Alessio I was here, I didn't care.

By the time he was informed I was at one of his clubs and he drove all the way here, I'd be lost in the large sea of people on the dance floor. It'd be impossible for him to find me.

And after all that work, I finally made it into the club. I smile taking in my surroundings.

Now this is a club.

Strobe lights, people taking shots off of each other, women dancing on platforms in little to no clothing, multiple large bars, confetti and a live DJ on a platform while hundreds of people danced to amazing music.

There was a second level-VIP I'm guessing -that overlooked the dance floor but it was strangely empty and quiet up there save for a few blurry bodies.

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